자 료 실

유틸리티 사이버폭스 43.0.2

2015.12.26 06:33

스마트(SMART) 조회:3256


Cyberfox is a fast, secure and easy to use web browser, powered by the popular Mozilla Firefox open source code. This is designed by 8pecxstudios, taking over where Mozilla left off, working to make a fast, stable and reliable web browser accessible to all. It comes with many customizable options allowing you to personalize and secure your web browsing experience. This browser ships with 2 main versions of Cyberfox one optimized for Intel based CPU’s and one optimized for AMD based CPU’s in an array of formats. The optimized Cyberfox lets you view web pages way faster, using tabbed browsing, the ability to block pop-up windows and less of your computer’s memory. Choose your user interface, choose between Australis or Classic style, with many customizable features to change how you see the web!

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).

Download Intel Version x86 Installer

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Download Intel Version x64 Portable

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Download AMD Version x86 Portable

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Download AMD Version x64 Portable

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