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유틸리티 QTTabBar ver 1038 (Clover 대체 유틸)

2015.12.18 07:55

슈퍼맨 조회:3064 추천:2

탐색기 확장 유틸입니다 Clover보다 기능이 매우 다양합니다 윈도우10 에서도 안정적으로 동작합니다

아직 번역기 한국어 밖에 없어서 그냥 영문으로 사용중입니다.. 세부옵션이 많아서 번역 능력자가 필요해보입니다

탭기능은 기본이고 이미지와 동영상까지 미리보기 할 수 있는 기능도 상당히 유용합니다

초기 메뉴 활성화는 탐색기 상단 보기-옵션아래 화살표를 누르면 있습니다(윈도우10 기준)

메뉴는 굳이 필요없으니 탭만 활성화 해놓으면됩니다 탭이나 메뉴 빈공간에 우클릭하면 설정을 바꿀 수 있습니다


Download QTTabBar ver 1038 (2015-12-8) New

- Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views
- Free/Donationware
- Multiple-language support by contributors
- for Windows7 & Windows8 & Windows8.1 & Windows10 (32bit/64bit) + .net Framework 4.0

(Fixed in 1038)
- Error of Option window when Visual Style is disabled on Windows7.

(Fixed in 1037)
- "Delete" button of "FileTools plugin pack" won't work. The plug-in is also updated, "Undo" button has stopped working.
- QTPluginLib.dll is updated to
- A test tool "QTTabBar C# Script Window" is available.

(New and Fixed in 1036)
- Improved support for Per-monitor DPI of Windows8.1 and 10.
- Added new commands: GetSystemDPi, GetWindowDpi, GetDpiFromPoint.
- Update "Window Manager" plug-in to support Per-monitor DPI environments.
- Option to do File Search by filter box of Extra views.

and so on. For details, go to Change log.


Documents & Help...


Further expansion

Commad files...

Samples of Command files

Scripting with QTTabBar...

Manipulate explorer by script

Source codes and Plugin Lib (2015-10-26)

Including Plugin SDK.

Bug tracking system is under operation. Feel free to post.

User IDguestguest2guest3


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