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윈 도 우 VMWare로 맥 구동하는 방법

2015.12.13 13:45

유기농 조회:1855


윈도우에서 VM으로 맥을 실행하고 싶습니다.

토렌트로 OS X 10.10 Yosemite VMware Image 라는 것을 다운받았는데 그 다음 어떻게 해야 하는지요?

README 파일이 있던데 상당히 복잡하더라구요.

그리고 제가 영어에 약해서 이해가 잘 안되네요.ㅜㅜ

아래 영문을 설명해주시면 매우 감사하겠습니다.^^

Step 1: Shut down all your VMs and close VMware.
Step 2: Go to the Mac OS X Guest folder, select your VMware series (I hope you have at least 10.x)
Step 3: Open the Unlocker folder for your version of your VMware product. I will explain the Windows unlocker for VMware Workstation in this guide.
Step 4: Run install.cmd (for Windows, install.sh for Linux)
Step 5: Wait and check if everything went okay!
Step 6 (only run this if your VM doesn't work complaining about hardware virtualization): Go back to the folder where this README is located and go to the Hardware Virt Bypasser folder and run the Hardware Virtualization bypasser.
Step 7: Extract the .7z file by running the 7z-extracter.cmd
Step 8: Open the "OS X 10.10 Yosemite Image" folder and double click on the .vmx file.
Step 9: Edit your settings to your likings. With the CD drive select the darwin.iso file located in the Tools folder. You can find these where you also found the OS X Guest unlocker for your VMware product. Also go to the monitor tab and edit the resolution to your monitors' resolution.
Step 10: Turn on the Virtual Machine and select I copied it if VMware asks you. Wait for it to boot and go through the setup process. Your VM may respond very slow. Install VMware tools to fix.
Step 11: Once you're done you can install VMware Tools. This CD should be mounted if you selected it in the settings above.
Step 12: ???
Step 13: PROFIT.

I hope this iamge saved you some effort!

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