자 료 실

유틸리티 SuperCache 6 , RamDisk Plus 12 출시

2015.10.24 08:42

죠타로 조회:3903 추천:1


Free Evaluation Download of Desktop Products

RamDisk Plus & SuperCache for Windows 10 are here!

These downloads are fully functional. They will run during an 14 day evaluation period, after which they disable themselves. Once the evaluation period expires, the products cannot be reinstalled without a key. To extend the evaluation period, contact us at 1-978-443-5106 x111, or support@superspeed.com.

Note: Due to the memory intensive nature of our software drivers, performance gains are directly related to the amount of available system memory (RAM). To improve the performance of your system, you must have sufficient available memory.

Please choose the correct build (32 or 64-bit) of your Windows operating system.

Compatible with Windows XP thru 10
RamDisk Plus
64-bit (x64)
RamDisk Plus
32-bit (x86)

Important note:
Before upgrading to Windows 10 uninstall all versions of RamDisk Plus first.

If you are having trouble uninstalling RamDisk Plus after upgrading to Windows 10 then follow these steps:
1) use this link RamDisk Plus Raw Uninstall utility to download a special batch file. Copy it to an easily accessible location e.g. C:\temp
2) Open a command prompt with Administrative priviliges.
3) Change to the location of the batch file e.g. "cd \temp"
4) Run the batch file "Uninstall_ramdisk_11.cmd" and then reboot your system.
You will then be able to install RamDisk Plus 12. We apologogize for this inconvenience.

Current customers who may need to re-download an older version can do so from here:



Compatible with Windows XP thru Windows 10
Product VersionBuildDownload
SuperCache 6 6.0.100064-bit (x46)
SuperCache 6 6.0.100032-bit (x86)

SuperCache is not compatible with Microsoft Data Protection Manager(DPM)     

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