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유틸리티 7-Zip 15.06 beta

2015.08.11 09:42

efny 조회:2120 추천:5

What's new after 7-Zip 15.05 beta:

  • 7-Zip now can extract RAR5 archives.
  • 7-Zip now doesn't sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.
  • new -mqs switch to sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.
  • The BUG in 7-Zip File Manager was fixed:
    The "Move" operation to open 7z archive didn't delete empty files.
  • The BUG in 15.05 was fixed:
    console version added some text to the end of stdout stream, is -so switch was used.
  • The BUG in 9.30 - 15.05 was fixed:
    7-Zip could not open multivolume sfx RAR archive.
  • Some bugs were fixed.

홈페이지 : https://www.7-zip.org/

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