자 료 실

유틸리티 Dism GUI (WIP) 1.6 Updated 2015-7-8

2015.07.18 04:10

네박자 조회:3178 추천:5

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GUI for Dism 6.2 (Win8)


Extremely dense cataracts had left me nearly blind. Last eye surgery was March and I hope to resume this project.

I have tried to create an easy to use gui for DISM simple enough for any dummy (like me) to use.

Seriously how can anyone remember all those commands. More powerful and many more options than imagex.

Add the 32 or 64 bit GUI to the same folder as DISM 6.2.9200 and it can run on any version of windows or PE.

There can be NO SPACES in program dir path best location is root of drive. This applies to all versions of Dism_Gui.

PE Plugin can be found here https://theoven.org/index.php?topic=955.0

Download for 32 and 64 bit Gui can be found at the end of this post.

Download Dism for Windows 8 using getwaiktools found in PE Builder utilities.

Place Dism GUI in same folder as dism.exe 

Or if you're running Windows 8 you can just put the GUI in system32 directory and create a desktop shortcut.

Mount UnMount, add and remove drivers and packages.

Should work on Windows 7 or 8 and PE.

Possibly XP and Gena, needs testing.

Only restriction, mount folder CAN NOT contain spaces in folder name and should reside in root of any Drive.

EDIT: Bug in add driver folder, will not accept spaces in folder name.

Plan is to add capture and apply but needs extensive testing first.

I'd like to work the bugs out of what I've done so far before I continue.

Version 1.6

Fixed a few minor script errors and

Added warning message to Mount tab 

   UnMount warns if Commit or Discard Changes

Added warning message to Capture tab 

   Capture and Append warns if name and description fields are blank

Added warning message to Apply tab

   Apply gives image and index info

efny님 윈도우 7 SP1 업데이트 모음(~2015년 7월) (ie11포함) 으로 통합해보았습니다.

통합은 오류없이 잘되었습니다.

동봉한 6.3.9600 dism을 사용하지 않을 시 오류가 있을 수 있습니다.

애초에 7/8x 사용을 목적으로 한것이었기에 상위버전을 통합하시려면 다른버전의 dism을 사용하시면 그만입니다.

각각의 이미지 일련번호를 선택 후 마운트 버튼을 누르면 이미지정보를 알려주며,

동시에 마운트를 할것인지를 선택하게 됩니다. 이게 약간 불편하네요.

드라이버도 폴더채 지정해서 잘 되었습니다.

몇년만에 판올림된 자료가 최신 DISM을 지원하지 않는게 아쉽지만

계속적인 버전업이 있으리라 생각합니다.

Dism_Gui v1.6 r20150708.zip

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