자 료 실

유틸리티 Simply Boot Flash Creator 1.3 r20150629

2015.07.02 02:29

네박자 조회:2481 추천:2


Option "Expert" option lets you change the Start LBA . 
Start LBA "- the beginning of the displacement of the first section LBA on the drive. For OS Windows Vista from C " Start LBA = 2048 "is the standard HDD, Flash and SSD. 
Start LBA = 63 "- an obsolete standard, but is supported and advanced controllers. 
To expand the range of compatibility is recommended to use " Start LBA = 63 "

Note: In the "automatic" and "manual" mode is selected USB-drive will be formatted! All data will be destroyed! 
Important: Supplied ready "strelec.lst" to work with "Boot USB Sergei Strelec v7.x-8.x", instructions for adding the assembly to stick on the RUS and ENG languages. 

1. For normal operation, the program requires OS Windows XP SP3 or later. 2. The program will not run from a flash drive larger than 32GB. 3. Format the USB drive only in FAT16 or FAT32. 4. Working on OS, other than Windows - not tested and can not be guaranteed. 5. When working on OS Windows Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 is recommended to run the program on behalf of the "Administrator". Interface: 1. In view of the simplicity of the interface it is made ​​in the English language. 2. The system messages of the program implemented in two languages English and Russian, with auto-selection depending on the primary language OS. 3. For all OS with a language other than Russian - messages will be in English. Miscellaneous: 1. The idea to create a bootable USB drive is based on the "tandem" Syslinux + Grub4dos . 2. Help and instructions executed in two languages ​​- RUS and ENG. 3. The program does not require a connection to the Internet. 4. The program is free.


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