자 료 실

유틸리티 WinNTSetup 3.8 - 20150625

2015.06.29 19:40

네박자 조회:3545 추천:10


Version 3.8.0

- fix VHD checks for windows 8 Core edition

- fix dpi issues

- fix reg import of empty values

- fix win 10 bcd error

- fix VHD GUI

- fix user creation

- fix gui issues

- fix vhd creation may trigger format dialog

- XP/Vista will try to load Tools\x??\wingapi.old if exists

- added support for new WofADK driver

- post processing PrepopulateList

- support for METADATA_ONLY Wimfiles

- downloads ADK 10 RC wimgapi.dll

- support for custom.wim wimboot images

- new command line option -ref:{reference.wim}

- new command line option -wbc:{custom_wimbootcompressed.ini}

- new command line option -compact

- reattach Wof(ADK) after bootsect volume dismount

- commandline option setup now respects ini file settings

- workaround win10 bug, disable UAC only works correct on unattend setups

- disable defender on windows 10 build 10xxx via group policy


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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8