유틸리티 [보안] XArp - ARP Spoofing 탐지
2015.06.27 13:04
XArp – Advanced ARP Spoofing Detection
The simple answer: XArp is a network security tool. It detects critical network attacks that are not covered by firewalls. The real answer: XArp uses advanced techniques to detect ARP-attacks like ARP-spoofing. These are easily to launch attacks that have high impact and elude firewalls.
Download XArp for Windows operating systems. Note, that the WinPcap installer is included in the installation package. It will automatically be installed with XArp. The installer works for 32bit and 64bit systems.
Ubuntu Linux
Download XArp for Ubuntu operating systems. Pick the correct 32 or 64 bit version for your operating system. You will need additional software packages, see the installation notes.
출처 : www.xarp.net
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리어 2015.06.27 22:20
우분투는 아닙니다만
Debian 계열 Kali Linux에 설치를 했습니다.
설치를 하는대 방황하다가 Xarp 홈에 가서
인스톨 내용을 보고...설치를.
요즘 심심할때 ARP Spoong을 연습을 해보곤 하는대..
뜨금하네요.ㅎㅎ 감사합니다.