자 료 실
문서 / 업무 Notepad++ v6.7.9.2
2015.06.25 14:48
Notepad++ v6.7.9.2 new feature and bug-fixes:
- Fix JavaScript block not recognized in HTML document.
Notepad++ v6.7.9.1 new feature and bug-fixes:
- Fix Hanging on exit of Notepad++ issue (update DSpellCheck for its instability issue).
- Add "Google Search" command in the context menu.
Notepad++ v6.7.9 new features:
- Upgrade Scintilla to v3.56.
- Add Language and EOL conversion context menu on status bar.
- Enhance sort lines feature: Add lexicographic and numeric (integer and real) sorting with ascending and descending order.
- Add new feature which launches a new instance with administrator privilege to save the protected file.
- Fix the context menu not working problem after doing find in files action.
- Improve copy (to clipboard) in found results panel.
- Improve find in files modal dialog.
댓글 [1]
元石 2015.06.30 20:15
감사합니다, efny님. (__)