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유틸리티 ESDtoISO tool v4

2015.05.20 01:12

네박자 조회:4105 추천:11

# Info #

An automated script to handle microsoft's original ESD file (encrypted or decrypted),

to ease converting it into an usable state (ISO / WIM / decrypted ESD).


# How To Use #

- It's recommended to temporary disable AV or protection program so it doesn't interfere with the process.

- Make sure the ESD file is not read-only or blocked.

- Extract this package contents to a folder with simple path (example: C:\ESD).

- You have 3 ways to start the process:

1) Directly right click on decrypt.cmd and 'Run as administrator', you will be prompted to enter the ESD file path

2) Copy/Move ESD file to the same folder besides the script, then right click on decrypt.cmd and 'Run as administrator'

3) Open admin Command Prompt in the same current directory, and Execute: decrypt ESDfilename

this method allow the present of several ESD files in the current directory, or using ESD from another location.


decrypt 9926.0.150119-1648.fbl_awesome1501_clientpro_ret_x86fre_en-us.esd

decrypt C:\Data\Programs\ISO\ESD\ir4_cpra_x64frer_en-us.esd

- If all goes well, you will have 4 options to proceed:

1 - Create Full ISO with Standard install.wim

this will substantially convert ESD file to a regular ISO distribution that contains standard install.wim file

2 - Create Full ISO with Compressed install.esd

this is similar to the first, but it will use and contain highly compressed install.esd file

ESDtoISO v.4.7z

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