유틸리티 EasyBCD 2.3 Beta Build 195
2015.03.07 12:15
EasyBCD 2.3 Beta Build 195 has been uploaded.
This update is less-specific than previous builds, and changes quite a few things up beneath the hood. Will require more testing.
* [EBCD-437]: Fixes case-sensitive EFI detection
* Fixes issues with incorrect automatic BCD backup path in cases where the specified automatic backup path is invalid
* All message boxes are now owned by the EasyBCD window (no weird icons in taskbar, they steal focus from EasyBCD, can't return to EasyBCD without acknowledging them)
* Beta versions will always check for update on startup regardless of configuration or date of last auto update check
* [EBCD-438]: Fixes EasyBCD does not do font fallback correctly (was responsible for non-fixed-width font in Detailed Mode on Windows XP)
* Updated GRLDR to v0.4.5c 2014-01-17
* Fixed thread synchronization between update thread and edition checks (could result in wrong version being retrieved for automatic update. Don't think it ever actually happened, though)
* [EBCD-540]: Kill/close running EasyBCD instances when installing a new version (Hat-tip: Terry60)
* [EBCD-541]: EasyBCD settings are retained when upgrading to a newer version (Hat-tip: Terry60)
* [EBCD-542]: Fixed EasyBCD crash on startup if settings file in %appdata% is corrupted, outdated, or unreadable.
* [EBCD-543]: Fixed EasyBCD gets stuck in EFI mode (after detecting EFI it wouldn't allow EFI-unsafe operations on externally-loaded BCDs)
* [EBCD-514]: Digitally-sign the EasyBCD uninstaller
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