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유틸리티 WinRAR 5.21

2015.02.16 18:09

아지랑이섬 조회:7827 추천:10

WinRAR 5.21

베타가 아닌 정식 버전입니다.





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개선 사항

Version 5.21

   1. "Drag and drop context menu" options in "Settings/Integration/
      Context menu items" dialog allow to disable WinRAR archiving
      and extraction commands in context menu displayed after dragging
      and dropping files with right mouse button.

   2. If winrar.ini file is present in the same folder as WinRAR installer,
      winrar.ini will be copied to WinRAR program folder after completing

   3. While previous versions could produce RAR5 volumes of slightly
      smaller than requested size sometimes, such situation is less
      likely now. In most cases volume size equals to specified by user.

   4. Now by default WinRAR skips symbolic links with absolute paths
      in link target when extracting. You can enable creating such links
      with "Allow absolute paths in symbolic links" option on "Advanced"
      page of extraction dialog or with -ola command line switch.

      Such links pointing to folders outside of extraction destination
      folder can present a security risk. Enable their extraction only
      if you are sure that archive contents is safe, such as your own backup.
   5. Bugs fixed:

      a) WinRAR 5.20 issued unnecessary user account control (UAC) prompt,
         when running an executable from archive stored in UAC protected
         folder. Since nothing is extracted to folder containing an archive
         in such case, UAC prompt is not needed;

      b) WinRAR could overwrite files with read-only attribute only
         when unpacking RAR and ZIP archive formats. Now it is also
         implemented for other archive formats supported by WinRAR;

      c) "Elapsed time" and "Time left" were displayed incorrectly
         when applying "Convert" command to multiple archives
         and enabling "Add recovery record" option.

제작사: https://www.win-rar.com/start.html


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