자 료 실

유틸리티 MBR 1.05

2015.01.30 18:03

DaBin 조회:3273 추천:5


<<어디에 쓰는 물건인가요? 재가 재대로 쓸줄을 몰라요.. 코드만 들어가면 ..머리가 빙글빙글~ 누도 빙글빙글~

MBR 1.05 - Copyright (c) 2005,2008,2010 TeraByte, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

Usage1: mbr hdnum [/RESET] [/ZERO] [/DEL] [/INSTALL] [/REBOOT]

  /RESET   - Used in combination with MBR code installed with SELM below.

  /ZERO    - Set the entire MBR to zero (deletes all mbr partitions).

  /DEL     - Delete all partitions in MBR.

  /INSTALL - Install MBR code using the follow addtional parameters:

              [STD] [SEL to fkey "msg"] [SELM to fkey "msg" fsid fsidhid]

   STD     - Install standard MBR code.

   W7      - Install Windows 7 MBR code.

   SEL     - Install MBR code that will display 'msg' and boot a hidden

             FAT/FAT32 partition if 'fkey' is pressed within 'to' seconds.

             The ondisk MBR is not modified.

   SELM    - Install MBR code that will display 'msg' and boot a partition

             with a file system id of 'fsidhid' if 'fkey' is pressed within

             'to' seconds.  The MBR is modifed so that the partition is marked

             active and the file system is changed to 'fsid'.  To reset the

             MBR back to the prior settings, use the /RESET switch before

             modifying the MBR

  /REBOOT    Reboot the computer.

Press any key to continue...


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