자 료 실
유틸리티 데스크탑용 텔레그램 0.7.9 (한국어 정식 지원)
2015.01.24 19:28
v 0.7.9 23.01.15
- Added Korean language.
- Quick «open with» menu on Windows and OSX.
v 0.7.8 19.01.15
- Some graphics changed.
- Windows: when activating window by click selection is not cleared.
- Linux: tray icon and unity launcher counter support improved.
v 0.7.7 16.01.15
- Windows: system sleep / hibernation fixed when app is running.
- Mac OS X: crashes on OS X 10.7 and 10.8 fixed.
- Linux: tray icon support and unity launcher counter for unread messages added in Ubuntu.
v 0.7.6 06.01.15
- Some improvements for stickers.
- Some translation improvements.
댓글 [1]
닷홈 2015.01.24 21:44
이제 정식지원하는가보네요.
그동안 번역해서 올리던분 계셨던걸로 아는데...