유틸리티 Easy Image X 1.52 r20150121
2015.01.22 21:12
File: EasyImageX_v1.52.7z
Size: 13,295,519 bytes
Modified: January 20, 2015, 11:35:45
MD5: 9035AFA52E48E572FA590DEF4F07571B
SHA1: FF3C875F006FC50B6F9BF03202BB5BA896AF2430
CRC32: E68018CF
The update log
[2015.1.20] v1.52
A correction in the UEFI + GPT mode, when there WRE partition, making it impossible to obtain a list of the normal zoning issues (thanksPspL, @ liuqj1228, @ Devil1027 feedback)
2, modified BIOS + MBR mode under NT6 "System Reserved" partition Recognition
Recognition under 3, amend UEFI + GPT partition mode ESP
4. Under the amended UEFI + GPT partition pattern recognition WRE
5, amendments to the USB bus identification methods, improve recognition efficiency
6, enhance the compiler version
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGoq10a pw: 1zbg
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