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2009.06.18 11:33

따돔 조회:2709

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"What is Biorhythm?"
"Biorhythm study and use is considered a ""pseudo science"" in the United State however it is widely accepted and utilized throughout Europe and much of the rest of the world.              " & _
      "Biorhythms are inherent cycles which regulate your metabolism, coordination, emotions, memory, and more.  As your biorhythm cycles rise and fall, so does your ability to perform physical activities, deal with stress, and make sound decisions."

"Meaning of Physical Cycle"
"The physical cycle is 23 days long and is the dominant cycle in men. It regulates hand-eye coordination, strength, endurance, sex drive, initiative, metabolic rate, resistance to, and recovery from illness. Surgery should be avoided on physical transition days and during negative physical cycles. "
"Meaning of Emotional Cycle"
"The emotional cycle is 28 days long andis the dominant cycle in women. It regulates emotions, feelings, mood, sensitivity, sensation, sexuality, fantasy, temperament, nerves, reactions, affections and creativity."
"Meaning of Intellectual Cycle"
"The intellectual cycle is 33 days long and regulates intelligence, logic, mental reaction, alertness, sense of direction, decision-making, judgment, power of deduction, memory, and ambition."

"Meaning of Passion Cycle"
"Passion cycle is the composite of the Physical and Emotional cycles. Passion encompasses your motivation to act, and the drive that allows you to continue a difficult pursuit. This cycle also tracks sexuality in its purest form."
"Meaning of Mastery Cycle"
"Mastery Cycle is the composite of the Intellectual and Physical cycles. Mastery encompasses your ability to succeed at tasks and to obtain what you desire. This cycle also tracks athletic ability and the focus required to learn physical skills."
"Meaning of Wisdom Cycle"
"Wisdom Cycle is  the composite of the Emotional and Intellectual cycles. Wisdom encompasses your understanding of the world, your role in it, and the things that are truly important to your life. This cycle also tracks the presence of mind that you need to make crucial decisions."

"Meaning of Intutive Cycle"
"Intutive Cycle is of 38 days and shows your intution or sixth sense."

"Meaning of Aesthetic Cycle"
"Aesthetic cycle is 43 days long and describes interest in the beautiful and the harmonious, Self-Awareness - 48 days, it expresses ability to percept own personality and individuality."
"Meaning of Self Awareness Cycle"
"Self Awareness Cycle is of 48 days and describes your knowledge of inner self."
"Meaning of Spiritual Cycle"
"Spiritual Cycle is 53 days long and  describes inner stability and relaxed attitude. "

"Negative and Positive 100%"
"The numbers from +100% (maximum) to -100% (minimum) indicate where the rhythms are on a particular day. In general, a rhythm at 0% is thought to have no real impact on your life, whereas a rhythm at +100% (a high) would give you an edge in that area, and a rhythm at -100% (a low) would make life more difficult in that area. There is no particular meaning to a day on which your rhythms are all high or all low, except the obvious benefits or hindrances that these rare extremes are thought to have on your life."
"Balance is the key"
"Understanding your positive cycles may assist you in planning surgery, physical outings, sporting events, exams, and job interviews. " & _
            "Understanding your negative cycles and your particular reaction to them꿲ay help you avoid accidents, hurtful situations, unnecessary grief and misfortune."
"Humans are wonderful being. For them every thing is possible. If you start strongly beliving this it will start manifesting(since every human has been given the power of  'Manifestation of repeated thoughts') and during your negative cycles you  may harm youself. I CANT DO WELL BECAUSE I AM GOING THROUGH A NEGATIVE PHASE  are words of a loser. My advice is to take its help only when you are confused."

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