자 료 실
유틸리티 Easy2Boot USB 1.57 Stable - 20141022
2014.10.22 12:15
Quick Start Instructions
1. Install RMPrepUSB if you have a Windows system
2. Download Easy2Boot and unzip
3. Run the Make_E2B_USB_Drive.cmd script as Administrator - see Make an Easy2Boot USB drive (or Linux users go here)
4. Copy over your payload files (e.g. linux iso to \_ISO\LINUX, Win7 Installer isos to \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN7, etc)
5. Run RMPrepUSB Ctrl+F2 to make all files contiguous (linux users can run defragfs)
6. BOOT and have fun!
v1.55 이후 꽤 오랜기간 베타테스트를 마치고
수고 하셨습니다 ~~