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소프트웨어 숫자 13자리 입력시 자동으로 엔터 입력
2014.10.10 10:44
제가 등기 우편물을 기록하고 있는데
이게 엑셀에서 작업할때 등기번호를 찍으면 자동으로 다음줄로 넘어가지가 않아서 엔터를 추가로 눌러줘야 하는데요
상당히 번거로워서 그런데
오토핫키나 오토잇으로 숫자 13자리 입력시 자동으로 엔터키를 추가로 입력해주는 스크립트좀 부탁드려도 될까요?
댓글 [2]
비려막존 2014.10.10 11:32
hotstrings("(\d{13})" , "%$1%{enter}")/*Function: hotstringsDynamically adds regular expression hotstrings.Parameters:c - regular expression hotstringa - (optional) text to replace hotstring with or a label to goto,leave blank to remove hotstring definition from triggering an actionExamples:> hotstrings("(B|b)tw\s", "%$1%y the way") ; type 'btw' followed by space, tab or return> hotstrings("i)omg", "oh my god{!}") ; type 'OMG' in any case, upper, lower or mixed> hotstrings("\bcolou?r", "rgb(128, 255, 0);") ; '\b' prevents matching with anything before the word, e.g. 'multicololoured'License:- Version 2.59 <https://www.autohotkey.net/~polyethene/#hotstrings>- Dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0) <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>*/hotstrings(k, a = ""){static z, m = "*~$", s, t, w = 2000, sd, d = "Left,Right,Up,Down,Home,End,RButton,LButton"global $If z = ; init{RegRead, sd, HKCU, Control Panel\International, sDecimalLoop, 94{c := Chr(A_Index + 32)If A_Index not between 33 and 58Hotkey, %m%%c%, __hs}e = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Dot,Div,Mult,Add,Sub,EnterLoop, Parse, e, `,Hotkey, %m%Numpad%A_LoopField%, __hse = BS,Space,Enter,Return,Tab,%d%Loop, Parse, e, `,Hotkey, %m%%A_LoopField%, __hsz = 1}If (a == "" and k == "") ; poll{StringTrimLeft, q, A_ThisHotkey, StrLen(m)If q = BS{If (SubStr(s, 0) != "}")StringTrimRight, s, s, 1}Else If q in %d%s =Else{If q = Spaceq := " "Else If q = Tabq := "`t"Else If q in Enter,Return,NumpadEnterq := "`n"Else If (RegExMatch(q, "Numpad(.+)", n)){q := n1 == "Div" ? "/" : n1 == "Mult" ? "*" : n1 == "Add" ? "+" : n1 == "Sub" ? "-" : n1 == "Dot" ? sd : ""If n1 is digitq = %n1%}Else If (StrLen(q) != 1)q = {%q%}Else If (GetKeyState("Shift") ^ GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))StringUpper, q, qs .= q}Loop, Parse, t, `n ; check{StringSplit, x, A_LoopField, `rIf (RegExMatch(s, x1 . "$", $)) ; match{StringLen, l, $StringTrimRight, s, s, lSendInput, {BS %l%}If (IsLabel(x2))Gosub, %x2%Else{Transform, x0, Deref, %x2%SendInput, %x0%}}}If (StrLen(s) > w)StringTrimLeft, s, s, w // 2}Else ; assert{StringReplace, k, k, `n, \n, All ; normalizeStringReplace, k, k, `r, \r, AllLoop, Parse, t, `n{l = %A_LoopField%If (SubStr(l, 1, InStr(l, "`r") - 1) == k)StringReplace, t, t, `n%l%}If a !=t = %t%`n%k%`r%a%}Return__hs: ; eventhotstrings("", "")Return} -
halligalli 2014.10.10 13:20
도와주셔서 감사합니다~
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