강좌 / 팁

하위버전에서 7264로 업그레이드하기

2009.07.01 15:05

bluespy 조회:8133

하위버전에서 7264로 업그레이드하기
7232에서 업그레이드할려니 새로 설치하라고 해서, 구글링햇습니다.

win7 이미지에sources폴더의 cversion.ini만 편집합니다.


파일을 바꿔 놓고 이미지를 저장한 다음 로드해서 업그레이드했습니다.


Download the ISO as you did previously and burn the ISO to a DVD.
Copy the whole image to a storage location you wish to run the upgrade from (a bootable flash drive or a directory on any partition on the machine running the pre-release build).
Browse to the sources directory.
Open the file cversion.ini in a text editor like Notepad.
Modify the MinClient build number to a value lower than the down-level build. For example, change 7100 to 7000 (pictured below).
Save the file in place with the same name.
Run setup like you would normally from this modified copy of the image and the version check will be bypassed.

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