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유틸리티 OS X Mavericks Transformation Pack (MTP) 3.0 - 2014.04.13

2014.04.16 23:44

네박자 조회:4885 추천:4


OS X Mavericks Transformation Pack 3.0 will transform your Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP user interface to Mac OS X Mavericks, including OS X Mavericks Boot Screen, Login Screen, Themes, Icons, Wallpapers, Sounds, Fonts, Dock, Dashboard, Spaces, Launchpad and more.


What’s new in MTP v3.0

 - Added emergency.bat file in Windows\UXBackup folder for power user to fix boot issues from recovery

 - Added F4 key shortcut for Launchpad activation

 - Added Glass transparency support for Windows 8/8.1 with WinaeroGlass

 - Added LiveTuner recommendation (Highly recommended to try since it’s safe and reversible)

 - Added removing Windows 8/8.1′s Ribbon UI in system files modification

 - Added system files update checking to prevent conflicts with Windows update

 - Changed Aero Frame UI to be enabled by default if DWM is not detected or running

 - Changed programs’ font back to Lucida Sans Unicode

 - Changed Left side OS X caption buttons program to LeftSider (Fixing 8/8.1 compatibilities)

 - Fixed font problems with Helvetica Neue in some websites like Facebook

 - Fixed replacing system files that could potentially cause freezing black screen on some cases

 - Fixed system files modification problems in Windows 8/8.1 from previous version

 - Improved DWM detection method using API command

 - Removed hot screen corner activation as it interrupts gaming experiences

 - Updated Windows 8/8.1 theme with neiio’s Lion theme

 - Updated XWidget to version 1.91

8 8.1이 대세인 윈포럼에서 어울리지 않는 테마팩.

꾸준히 사용해왔고 계속 사용할 예정인 맥팩입니다.

OS X Mavericks Transformation Pack (MTP) 3.0 - 2014.04.13


OS X Mavericks UX Pack (MUXP) 3.0 - 2014.04.13


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