자 료 실

유틸리티 McRipSystemFiles 2.0.2014.03.13

2014.03.14 00:56

네박자 조회:2346 추천:1

Thursday, March 13, 2014

McRipSystemFiles 2.0.2014.03.13

McRipSystemFiles 2.0.2014.03.13 (March 13 2014)

- Updated  Shockwave Player to version

The following application are included in this installer McRipSystemFiles 2.0:

 - DirectX Redist June 2010
 - Silverlght 5.1.30214.0 x86 and x64
-  FlashPlayer for IE x86 and x64
-  FlashPlayer Firefox x86 and x64
-  Shockwave Player
-  Java (TM) Platform SE 7 Update 51 (1.7.0_51-b13)
- Adobe AIR Runtimes

On Vista and Windows 7 and Windows 8 run setup as Administrator!

All applications that you select for installations will be installed silently on your operating systems and all applications will be installed with updates disabled

All previous versions of Java, FlashPlayer, Shockwave, Silverlight and Adobe AIR on your system will be detected and uninstalled silently first if you select the applications for installation.

Silent install command: /VERYSILENT /NORESTART

NOTE: You have to install Flash Player for IE and other browsers as well because of the uninstallation routine! 

McRipSF 2.0.2014.03.13


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