자 료 실

유틸리티 QTranslate.로 업데이트하기

2014.03.09 13:32

겨울나그네 조회:2795 추천:2


7 March 2014 | 484 Kb | MD5: 09FA9B6A6D918DCC23456CBF880C8E01

  • Windows XP Service Pack 2+ / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
  • Internet connection

QTranslate portable

7 March 2014 | 488 Kb | MD5: 48D9F696A510DDB893F15A79A469D5BC


What is New in QTranslate
  • New: Swedish and Korean localizations
  • Updated: French and Simplified Chinese localizations
  • Fixed: Google Translate service is always selected
What is New in QTranslate 5.3.0?
  • New: Favorites support
  • New: Services buttons in the dictionary window
  • New: Translate clipboard content hot key
  • New: Middle mouse click on service button opens service in browser
  • New: youdao dictionary service
  • New: Back/Forward history navigation using mouse xbuttons
  • Improved: Bing Translator audio quality
  • Updated: Supported languages
  • Fixed: SDL translation service, Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary services
  • Fixed: Main window doesn't restore maximized state after program restart if is closed to tray
  • Fixed: Main window is not on taskbar after program restart if is closed to tray on Windows XP
  • Fixed: Doesn't work in EVE Online
  • Fixed: Escape doesn't close popup window if edit control has focus
  • Fixed: Once focused, the popup window is always showed focused
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
[공지] 저작권 보호 요청 자료 목록 gooddew - - -
[공지] 자료실 이용간 유의사항 gooddew - - -
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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8