유틸리티 Rufus 1.4.5 Build 427 Final - 20140227
2014.02.28 05:52
- Version 1.4.5 (2014.02.27) [BUGFIX RELEASE]
- Fix detection of fixed drives (reported by dominiquesb)
- Also from Version 1.4.4 (2014.02.26)
- Add uncompressed Disk Image support (FreeBSD, FreeNAS, etc.) (NEW)
- Add right-to-left language support (NEW)
- Add an alert when multiple partitions are about to be erased (NEW)
- Add (unofficial) NTFS Compression support (NEW)
- Add Finnish translation, courtesy of Riku Brander
- Ignore failure on ISO autorun.inf creation, to keep dumb security applications happy
- Improve hotplug detection
- Improve Syslinux v5+ support (requires an internet connection to download extra files)
- Fix support for latest gparted, ArchLinux, and other Syslinux v5+ based ISOs
- Fix detection for Toshiba drives (again)
- Fix UDF Unicode support
댓글 [10]
Kss 2014.02.28 07:27
오잉 2014.02.28 09:00
삐리리 2014.02.28 09:02
고맙습니다!!! ^^
REFS 2014.02.28 09:32
감사합니다....^ ^
고고 2014.02.28 12:09
감사합니다. 즐거운 하루보내세요.
클레멘타인 2014.02.28 13:17
감사합니다.... 좋은자료네요.
라칸 2014.02.28 21:11
회탈리카 2014.03.01 02:48
노익장 2014.03.01 03:25
元石 2014.03.02 14:31
감사합니다. (__)
감사합니다 ~, 잘 사용하겠습니다.