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기 타 Inno Setup 추출기>InnoExtractor

2014.02.10 17:15

cproplus@outlook.com 조회:3225 추천:2

Inno Setup 추출기>InnoExtractor



InnoExtractor is a powerful application that helps you to unpack Inno Setup-based installers.

With InnoExtractor you can explore the internal structure and content of any installer and you can to extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.


Key features:
 - Simple and friendly GUI.
- Open installers into the application with only drag and drop executables from Windows Explorer.
- Explore the internal content (files and more) of the installer.
- Extract the embedded files and script to a local folder, to a zip package or to a self-extracting module (portable).
- Decompiles the "CompiledCode.bin" file of the Installer to get the assembly code, corresponding to the "Code" script section (for advanced users only).
- Open internal files of the installer into the same application.
- Perform file searches by keyword.
- Input panel, that allows you to enter a valid password to extract encrypted installers.
- Properties panel to see advanced information about the installer.
- History for recently opened installer.
- Other miscellaneous options.
- Support older and latest versions of Inno Setup.
- Full Unicode support.
- Application available in multiple languages.
- Much more!


- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1.
- Inno Setup-based installers.


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