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서버 / IT vmware 비프음 없애기

2014.02.06 00:21

손에손잡고 조회:5739

vmware에서 가상 OS를 가동 시키면 꼭 삐이삐삐 하고 초반 울부짖으며 시작하네요? 뭐야 이거..아휴 깜짝이야.


소형 스피커 납땜형 메인보드라서 따로 손을 볼 수 없는 상황이네요.


그래서 검색을 해봤습니다.


그리고 적용 시켜보니 그토록 듣기 싫던 비프음이 이젠 안들리고 가동 되네요.


For Windows XP,
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini

For Windows Vista and Windows 7,
C:\Program Data\VMWare\Config.ini





VMware – Turn off the system BEEP in all virtual machines


Initially, I was thinking by disabling the BEEP service in my (host OS) windows system will help to keep the BEEP sound away for my (guest OS) virtual machines. But I was wrong. Certain tasks which i performed in my guest will trigger the BEEP sound.

Click on the below link if you want to disable system BEEP service in particular (guest OS) virtual machines.
Windows XP / Vista / 2003 – Turn off the system BEEP service

  1. Make sure VMware Workstation program is exited
  2. Look for config.ini in the following folders

For Windows XP,
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini

For Windows Vista and Windows 7,
C:\Program Data\VMWare\Config.ini

Open config.ini with notepad and type mks.noBeep=”TRUE”

Save the config.ini file and exit notepad


  • The folders may be hidden, you need to unhide the folders in order to see the files.
  • If the config.ini does not exist, create the file using notepad.

Finally the annoying beep sound is removed permanently! Cheers.

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