유틸리티 UXTheme Multi-Patcher 9.1
2014.02.01 23:59
Since Windows XP was released, there are countless 3rd-party visual styles released by many skinners in order to improve user’s experiences and eye candy. To use non-certified visual style is disallowed by Microsoft’s certificate protection so you need to bypass certification verification in uxtheme.dll. Thanks to Rafael from withinwindows.com which has its own site uxstyle.com now to make this happened since the time Windows XP was released.
Now UXTheme Multi-Patcher officially use Rafael’s specialized memory-patching that works on almost every Windows since XP till latest Windows 8.1
This program will patch your theme engine files so you can use any 3rd party visual style on the following operating systems:
Windows XP x86 Editions
Windows XP x64 Editions
Windows Server 2003 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows Vista x86 and x64 Editions
Windows Server 2008 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows 7 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows Server 2008 R2 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows 8 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows Server 2012 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows 8.1 x86 and x64 Editions
Windows Server 2012 R2 x86 and x64 Editions
XP 루나테마 애용하는데, 테마변경시 꼭 필요한 풀그림이죠. ㄳ