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유틸리티 WinOwnership v1.1 (폴더 관리자 권한 얻기)

2014.01.26 19:32

DaBin 조회:4120

WinOwnership v1.1(폴더 관리자 권한 얻기) 
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP Family
Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2011 Family
* All Editions / Versions, including x64 systems.
* Requires .NET Framework v4.0.
Latest Hashes for WinOwnership v1.1.exe    >>   https://download.joshcellsoftwares.com/WinOwnership  <다운

CRC32: B0C7C884
MD5: CE0BFEA3176B55A2375FE19B6DDB28AB
SHA-1: E64CB4B469727E6653015C65FAB01F74149AB63C

WinOwnership 관련 레지스트리가 존재하지만 GUI형식이고 간편합니다.
WinOwnership v1.1는 특정 폴더나 파일의 이름을 변경하거나 지울 때
이미 관리자 권한인데도 안되는 경우 있습니다.
이럴 때 프로그램을 실행하고 파일을 끌어다 놓으시면 됩니다.
다시 되돌리기 Undo 기능도 존재합니다



One click to give full access to the file.
Metro interface based on Windows 8, compatible with Windows XP.
One click to restore the default Windows file ACL Protection.
Does not effect default system ACL Protection, the file after undo will show the same protection preperties.
Full file access with a new file ACL Replacement.
Using a new ACL Backup / Restore patch technology.
Does not use any core Windows Resource to patch the file protection.
The file is not patched, only the protection area, which can be restored with clicking the “Undo” button.
The user can rename the unprotected file if it is in use.
Support for all file types.
Can work with Windows core files.
Can work with directories.
Can work with ACL protected files.
Multi threaded modules.
Fast and light interface.
Full ACL kernel lock / unlock.
Works with multi items.
Multi CRC hash check.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
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