자유 게시판

[Giveaway]security kiss vpn 3 month premium vpn

2013.12.01 01:11

218 조회:1143

Secure your Internet connection with SecurityKISS Tunnel.
We are a leading VPN provider to protect privacy, ensure anonymity and bypass Internet restrictions.

What is SecurityKISS Tunnel?
SecurityKISS Tunnel is the program and the service that allow you access Internet despite censorship and local restrictions. It also makes your connection secure and prevents others from viewing your web browsing activities, instant messages, downloads, credit card information or anything else you send over the network.
Technically SecurityKISS Tunnel is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) implementation. It creates a VPN between your laptop and our security gateway so that all your Internet traffic goes through impenetrable, non-transparent tunnel.

Which operating systems are supported?
Since March 2012 SecurityKISS service available for all users on all platforms that allow OpenVPN, PPTP or L2TP connections. In particular the native SecurityKISS Tunnel program works Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. We also released a customized Tunnelblick installer with SecurityKISS configuration for Mac users. iPhone and iPad users can download a ready to use configuration for GuizmOVPN.
Apart from that it is possible to connect using the built-in PPTP and L2TP software on most modern operating systems (Linux, Android, DD-WRT, Symbian)


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