번역 조금 도와 주세요
2013.10.14 19:37
어학연수 지원서에 홈스테이 정보를 적어야 되요 간단히 원하는 걸 적어야 되는데
깔끔하게 번역 좀 부탁드릴게요.
저는 취미가 수영이며 또한 농구, 야구 등 어떠한 스포츠도 좋아합니다.
저는 혼자보다 두 명이상(여러명이서)과 홈스테이를 하고 싶습니다.
종교가 없기 때문에 홈스테이 가족들도 되도록이면 없었으면 좋겠고
음식은 무엇이라도 잘 먹기에 크게 상관이 없습니다.
또한 영어가 능숙한 편이 아니라 친절하고 밝은 분위기 였으면 좋겠습니다.
윈포 회원님들 부탁드립니다
댓글 [5]
필로 2013.10.14 19:38
돌 하루방 2013.10.14 19:50
I will ask translation as is smart.
Hobby of me is swimming and likes basketball, some sports such as baseball.
I want to say (Several person) and home-stay more than two people than one person.
Because there was no religion, there should no like to be home-stay family preferablyand
Food dosen't matters greatly as eat well what.
Also, I wish it had been kind and bright atmosphere and not that is good at English.
Ask Winpo member
타나 2013.10.14 20:45
번역기 번역
My hobby also, is swimming, I like any sport basketball and baseball.
I would like to homestay and (in some people) two or more than one person.
Since there is no religion, host family also good if there were no possible
Not related significantly to eating well whatever food.
Also, I think English is not good person, and you were bright and friendly atmosphere. -
지나다 2013.10.14 21:32
유향 2013.10.14 22:50
My hobby is swiming and I like any kinds of sports.
I want to do homestays with other people together.
since i don't have any religions, i prefer to do homestays with family which also don't have religion.
I'm not picky in eating food so i don't care much about food.
And i hope the people who will live with me is amiable and kind
because my english is not good enough to communicate fluently.
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