자유 게시판
windows7 6801 이후버전은?
2008.12.02 01:29
아직 없는건가요..
설치하신분들은 어떻게들 하신건지=_=;
설치하신분들은 어떻게들 하신건지=_=;
댓글 [2]
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 | 등록일 |
[공지] | 자유 게시판 이용간 유의사항 (정치, 종교, 시사 게시물 자제) [1] | gooddew | - | - |
1365 | 블로그를 하나 열었습니다. :D [4] |
1619 | 12-14 |
1364 | 인터넷 익스플로러 8.0 RC1 [3] |
2424 | 12-12 |
1363 | 윈도우 xp 64bit 는.. [1] |
2070 | 12-12 |
1362 | 기존 비스타 인증 PC에서 나중에 정식출시 될 Seven도 인증... [3] | 똘추애널리 | 1771 | 12-12 |
1361 | 트래픽 체크 [6] |
1696 | 12-11 |
1360 | gta4 성능향상 팁! | 슈퍼맨 | 2478 | 12-11 |
1359 | 윈도우 7 의외로 좋습니다. [3] |
2700 | 12-11 |
1358 | 흠... 노트북에 윈도 비스타 얼티밋을 설치할지 고민 되네요. [4] |
1495 | 12-11 |
1357 | SP2 설치하신 분들... [3] |
2053 | 12-10 |
1356 | Vista sp2 저는 좋군요 [4] | keyser | 2078 | 12-10 |
1355 | Windows Vista SP2 Beta Update되었네요.. [2] | 정동원 | 1670 | 12-10 |
1354 | 반딧불 4마리. [2] | 생강도넛 | 1495 | 12-10 |
1353 | 참지 못하고... [3] | 생강도넛 | 1514 | 12-09 |
1352 | 카스퍼스키 안티 바이러스 2009 오류 관련 |
1449 | 12-08 |
1351 | V3 Lite 서버2008에 설치가 안되네요. [4] | 생강도넛 | 2907 | 12-08 |
1350 | 스누피 버젼은 비스타 sp2 업데이트 실패네요..ㅠㅠ [3] |
2556 | 12-07 |
1349 | 요즘 살기가 막막합니다. [1] |
1587 | 12-07 |
1348 | 홈 프리미엄이 가볍기는 가볍습니다. [4] |
2048 | 12-07 |
1347 | ㅠ0ㅠ 매우 슬프네요.. [4] | 김용환 | 1261 | 12-07 |
1346 | 하드디스크의 쓰기방지?? |
2595 | 12-07 |
Pre-Milestone 1
Note: These builds are suspected, but not confirmed to be Windows 7 builds.
6.1.6410.0.fbl_refactor_dev(jschwart).070409-1035 luX
6.1.6415.0.debuggers(dbg).070404-1234 luX
6.1.6418.0.debuggers(dbg).070404-1255 luX
6.1.6429.?.fbl_multimedia_media.070514-1730 Stanimir Stoyanov
6.1.6459.1.fbl_shell_dex.070826-1730 luX
6.1.6469.1.fbl_find_dev. deeper2k (on Neowin)
6.1.6475.1.fbl_wlk_dtmse_11000.071108-1226 vistalover@JCXP
6.1.6480.1.fbl_srv_powershell_ctp(srvbld).071029-1751 D.Konieczny
6.1.6499.1.fbl_security_bugfix(sepbld-s).071120-0135 namronia
6.1.6507.1.winmain_longhorn(wmbla).071113-1716 ZoRoNaX
Milestone 1
6.1.6516.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080109-1848 Raiker
6.1.6518.1 MagicAndre1981
6.1.6519.1.winmain.071220-1525 deeper2k (from kenipnet@TheVista), build string by MagicAndre1981 Leaked June 10, 2008
6.1.6522.0.winmain.071223-1309 .NetRolller 3D (from deeper2k@TheVista)
6.1.6536.?.fbl_tools_phoenix(corevc).080215-1330-LDDM vistaRELOADED
6.1.6547.1 splxtreme
6.1.6568.1.winmain.080312-1858 Raiker
6.1.6574.1.winmain.080420 (no, not a typo) deeper2k, Michael
6.1.6585.?.winmain.080407-1714 Stephen
6.1.6585.1.fbl_srv_powershell_ctp.080411-1634 D.Konieczny
Milestone 2
6.1.6589.1.winmain_win7m2.080420-1634 .NetRolller 3D, from Paul Thurrott's photo - full tag from here This is one of the builds that were demonstrated on D6. Only part of the build number is known, as the corresponding photo is quite blurry. This is also the build in the multi-touch demo video.
6.1.6608.?.winmain_win7m2.080511-1400 Raiker
Milestone 3
6.1.6720.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080603-2145 Raiker
6.1.6721.1.debuggers(dbg).080908-1333 luX
6.1.6726.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080609-2026 Raiker
6.1.6727.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080611-0004 Raiker
6.1.6727.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080611-0027 Raiker
6.1.6730.1.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080614-0511 Raiker
6.1.6756.0 Raiker
6.1.6761.0.FBL_WEXPARTNERS_MC(dcohen).080731-1456 namronia
6.1.6764.0.fbl_wexpartners_mc(shyams).080805-1551 namronia
6.1.6768.0.fbl_security_bugfix(nide).080811-1231 namronia
6.1.6768.0.FBL_SECURITY_BUGFIX(nide).080811-1458 luX
6.1.6769.0.fbl_security_bugfix(dlinsley).080814-1555 luX
6.1.6776.?.fbl_srv.080823-0??? Raiker
6.1.6780.0.winmain_win7m3.080829-1900 .NetRolller 3D
6.1.6801.0.winmain_win7m3.080913-2030 tjdg, build string by .NetRolller 3D from winfuture.de's screenshot Leaked October 29, 2008
6.1.6801.4107.winmain_win7m3.081020-1655 Stephen
Pre-Beta 1
6.1.6904.0.fbl_dox_dev_ihvs.080908-1556 Raiker
6.1.6912.0.fbl_security_bugfix(dacostan).080918-1720 Raiker
6.1.6916.?.winmain.080924-1557 Raiker
6.1.6917.?.winmain.080925-1915 Stephen
6.1.6919.?.fbl_fun_diag_dev(gaurava).080118-1456 Stephen
6.1.6920.?.fbl_dgt_dev2.081006-1730 deeper2k
6.1.6920.0.fbl_dgt_dev2_sdknovember08(bld4act).081016-1627 Stephen
6.1.6926.?.winmain.081009-1855 Rhys
6.1.6930.?.fbl_multimedia_media.081016-1750 Stephen
6.1.6931.0.fbl_security_bugfix(jscottm).081020-1655 Raiker
6.1.6932.?.winmain.081017-1835 Stephen
6.1.6933.0.winmain.081020-1842 Raiker
6.1.6934.?.winmain.081021-1817 Stephen
6.1.6935.?.winmain.081022-1857 Rhys
6.1.6935.0.fbl_multimedia_media(bld4act).081026-0917 Raiker
6.1.6936.?.winmain.081023-1800 Staneck
;6.1.6937.?.winmain.081027-1805 Staneck
6.1.6937.?.fbl_whenet_devbugfix.081028-1900 Staneck & Rob Storm
6.1.6940.?.fbl_wexpartners_mc.081102-1800 Staneck
6.1.6948.?.fbl_shell_dex.081112-1755 Bornslippy
6.1.6951.?.winmain.081114-2042 Chris123NT
6.1.6954.? Freak180
6.1.6956.?.winmain.081122-1150 Chris123NT
information about Microsoft’s release schedule for Windows 7
::Current Build: 6.1.6954 pre Beta 1
End December: new build 69xx Public Beta
Summer 2009: a pre-release candidate build
Last Quarter 2009: Release Candidates
End 2009: RTM release
December: Windows 7 Final
:: SOURCE FROM: Microsoft Conference Technical Summit 2008 Berlin.
. November 19-21, 2008 Microsoft Technical Summit 2008 (Berlin, Germany)
about:: Build: 6.1.6954 More - details...
This build is now at test at Ms end December or early 2009 there will
be an open Beta version for everyone to test,
this Beta version will be fully functional
and equiped with all functions like in the real version of W7 wich will be on roll end 2009
just before Xmas or when Ms is not totally ready with the final build it will be begin 2010..
Time scedule:now at test 6954 pre Beta 1
end December a new build 69xx Beta version (total functional) everyone may test and report bugs......
Summer 2009 yet another build ***x wich has less bugs..we hope!
last quarter 2009 the release candidates and
end 2009 Rtm version (ready to manifacture)
December Final version around Xmas.... Ms hopes that the Rtm's or final build will be ready around that time and alot people will buy a new pc or notebook and ... Windows 7 will be present on EEE mini notebooks ! now they won't work with Vista.... 99% of the EEE are equiped with Xp or Linux
build 6954 (this a Ms internal version only) contains a new boot screen which shows animated items (or balls)
that form the Windows logo.
Taskbar is fully funtional in this build.
Zoom function available now on desktop as well as multimedia files.
Jumplists can be accessed by right-clicking on a symbol in the taskbar
A more colorful start button when mouse hovering over it
Icons next to most used applications displayed leading to jump lists
Better hardware detection
Microsoft is planning to allow OEMs to have their own customized boot screens in Windows 7.
Microsoft-Conference Technical Summit 2008 Berlin