자 료 실

유틸리티 Notepad++ 6.5

2013.09.30 00:49

음란마귀 조회:4899 추천:4

Notepad++가 6.4.5 → 6.5.0로 업데이트 되었네요

Release Date: 2013-09-28


Notepad++ v6.5 new features and bug fixes:

  1. Update Scintilla to 3.3.4
  2. Add CoffeeScript support.
  3. Add multi-paste support for multi-selection/column mode.
  4. Add new feature: auto-close parentheses, quotes, bracket and matched xml/html tag.
  5. Add php, perl, xml, batch, ini and nsis for the build-in function list.
  6. Add User Defined Languages support for the build-in function list.
  7. Add reload feature in function list.
  8. Fix a minor problem of file extension support for the build-in function list.
  9. Fix a tag matching bug by disabling tag matching inside PHP code blocks.
  10. Fix right-to-left text after closing document map bug.
  11. Fix cancelling shutdown make Notepad++ quit w/o saving files bug.
  12. Enhance "Begin/End select" feature: Check "Begin/End select" menu item when active.
  13. Enhance Mark all feature: 2 options "Match case" and "Match whole word only" in Find/Replace dialog.
  14. Fix a Replace dialog status bar display problem by clearing status bar before processing any action.
  15. Add new feature: if Notepad++ is running as administrator, display this info on the title bar.
  16. Rename "block comment" to "Single line comment" and "stream comment" to "block comment".
  17. Remove invalid command "Online Documentation".
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8