자 료 실

유틸리티 COMODO Internet Security/Firewall/Antivirus 6.3.294583.2937

2013.09.25 12:05

신지 조회:4480 추천:2

We have just release COMODO Internet Security/Firewall/Antivirus 6.3.294583.2937!

What's new in this 6.3 build?

  • NEW: PrivDog - A browser plugin that enhances the browsing privacy, performance and security
  • IMPROVED: Full Windows 8.1 Support
  • FIXED: Chrome and Dragon v28 and later do not work in kiosk/sandbox
  • FIXED: Malware bypasses HIPS and Sandbox while creating autorun entries
  • FIXED: Crashes occur while quick scanning on some computers
  • FIXED: Explorer hangs after CIS installation
  • FIXED: Copy/Paste now works while entering licenses in the license management window

Download Locations:

COMODO Internet Security


Size: 205M ( 214262072 )
MD5: 65532a560e08d5dde795108bb8963bcb
SHA1: 355d35b426cdf6a20f4562005f2850f487e8b922

COMODO Firewall


Size: 205M ( 214262072 )
MD5: 44d95d22a9713a7c4b04849c2612ddc7
SHA1: 43c2783d3508b580dfca0ebeb6f6b7b6f3d0d73f

COMODO Antivirus


Size: 205M ( 214262072 )
MD5: 2a2b6ba32e3aae41c01405c184e84045
SHA1: 41048a650e05e153b07237788d2484e7a031e0e3

Updates & Upgrades

6.x users can quickly update to the latest version by simply running their automatic updates.
5.x users can download the upgrade package and run it to upgrade to 6.3: https://downloads.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/www/cis5upgrade/index.html


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