강좌 / 팁

윈 도 우 lame mp3 codec 팝업으로 고생하시는분을 위해

2013.01.22 12:02

sky9 조회:13694 추천:1

The configuration can normally be found in the windows system32 folder.

windows-->system32---> lame acm.xml을 xml 편집기(MS가셔서 XML notepad다운 받으셔요)로


Copyright use="true"----> false로 바꿔주셔요.






the contents of this file can be viewed in ie notepad.
Right click and select "open with" and choose notepad

the contents of the file will look like this:

<encodings default="Current">
<config name="Current">
<Smart use="true" />
<Copyright use="true" />
<CRC use="true" />
<Original use="false" />
<Private use="false" />
<Channel mode="Joint-stereo" />
<ABR use="true" min="88" max="224" step="6" />

to solve the pop-up problem you simply need to change
"<Copyright use="true" />" to <Copyright use="false" /> and save the file.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
[공지] 강좌 작성간 참고해주세요 gooddew - - -
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XE1.11.6 Layout1.4.8