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윈 도 우 윈도우8에서 시작시 프로그램(임의의 사용자 바로가기파일) 실행안될때

2013.01.16 08:53

삿또 조회:15513

Bypass Windows 8 UAC while keeping Metro
[Image: Windows%208.png]

Microsoft's User Account Control (UAC) has had a bad reputation among the tech community since the launch of Windows Vista. In Windows 8, this nuisance has found a way to spite all tech geeks alike. Now, "disabling" UAC via Control Panel doesn't actually disable it. If you edit a system file you'll find that, you, the Admin, have no power (and are still pestered by UAC).

If you're reading this, chances are that you've tried disabling UAC via the EnableLUA registry hack. Although this method works, Microsoft has placed a kill switch on Metro apps. In other words, you won't be able to use Metro apps if you disable UAC with the registry hack or with Account Policy clp. Microsoft gives you 2 options; deal with UAC and enjoy the Metro UI or disable UAC and lose Windows 8's signature feature.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to semi-disable UAC while maintaining access to Metro apps. This hack should prevent ~90% of all UAC pop-ups and grant you access to your entire C drive.

Lets get started:

1. Open an explorer window and type in the following path: Control Panel\User Accounts and Family Safety\User Accounts
2. Click on "Change User Account Control settings"
3. Set it to "Never Notify"
4. Press OK (don't restart if prompted to do so)


5. Press the Windows + R key at the same time
6. Type: regedit
7. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
8. Change "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0 (this step will temporarily disable metro apps)
9. Restart your computer
10. Download these registry files
11. Run the InstallTakeOwnership.reg file
12. Go to My computer
13. Navigate to C:\
14. Select all folders> right click> take ownership


15. When the aforementioned has been completed, right click on the "Windows" folder and select "properties"
16. Security> Advance> Enable Inheritance
17. Find where it says Owner (second line, below the "Name" section)> Change> Advanced> Find Now> Select your account> Press OK> Press OK again (in the "Share User or Group" Windows).
18. On the "Advance Security Setting for Windows" pane, click Add> Select a Principal> Advanced> Find> Select your Username> OK> OK> Full control> Show Advance Permission> Applies to: This Folder, subfolders and files> OK> Apply> Yes> and Continue (select continue all the times it pops up)


19. Press the Windows + R key at the same time
20. Type: regedit
21. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
22. Change "EnableLUA" from 0 to 1 (this step will enable metro apps)
23. Restart your computer


24. Again navigate to C:\
25. Again select all folders> right click> take ownership
26. Finally, run RemoveTakeOwnership.reg file (you may skip this step if you wish)

You are done, enjoy!
저같은 경우 예를 들자면 부팅시 s메모나 부트캠프 실행파일이 부팅시 실행안되서 찾아본 파일입니다.
관리자 권한의 경우 실행이 되지만 기본계정에서는 안되더군요
중복글이면 자삭하겠습니다...
영어 공부한다는 셈치고 저같은 문제 있으신 분들 한번 시도해 보세요.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 등록일
[공지] 강좌 작성간 참고해주세요 gooddew - - -
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