서버 / IT Pale Moon v15.3.2
2013.01.14 22:04
Pale Moon 은 파이어폭스를 기반으로 만든 웹브라우저 입니다.
Pale Moon: Release notes
15.3.2 (2012-12-05)
This update fixes an important issue in the JavaScript engine (MethodJIT) that would make particularly large/complex pieces of JavaScript (e.g. Mandreel) fail. (Thanks, Ryan, for catching this one!)
Installer : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/palemoon-15.3.2-installer.exe
ZIP : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/palemoon-15.3.2.zip
Portable : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/Palemoon-Portable-15.3.2.exe
Installer : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/palemoon-15.3.2-x64-installer.exe
ZIP : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/palemoon-15.3.2-x64.zip
Portable : https://mirror.palemoon.org/release/Palemoon-Portable-15.3.2-x64.exe
댓글 [1]
it초보 2013.01.15 10:19
고맙습니다. ^^