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윈도우 / PE coolnovo (구 chromeplus) v2.0.4.14 포터블

2012.11.24 04:32

나데시코 조회:4704 추천:2

CoolNovo V2.0.4.14 Stable for Windows Released~~

Release notes:

1. Based upon Chromium 21.0.1180.60
2. [New feature]New IE kernel make you visit IE tab more fast and stable.
3. Remove the CoolNovo downloader.
4. Disable sidebar and remove the build-in extensions.
5. Remove the bookmar recycle bin.
6. Modify the help guider.
7. Modify the switching kernel icon.
8. Improve the Reopen Closed Tabs feature.
9. Modify the UI of Quick access bar, remove the mute feature.
10.Memory bloating when using flash plugin.
11.The wording of mouse gesture tips can't show exactly.
12.Other bugs.


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