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윈도우 / PE Windows 7 explorer.exe for Windows 8 (Ex7forW8)

2012.10.02 23:41

신지 조회:15416 추천:3

Windows 7 explorer.exe for Windows 8 (Ex7forW8)
Long story short, i made a wrapper to Windows 7 explorer.exe to run on Windows 8. You can try it now in order to have native Windows 7 desktop experience, without immersive shell bits enabled, saving RAM. New Windows Explorer features like ribbon and file copying are present.

You need to have Windows 8 RP or RTM (32-bit or 64-bit) installed. Works with Server 2012 too.
Download: https://tihiy.net/fil...x7forW8_1.0.zip

Launch Ex7ForW8_setup.exe. Follow instructions. You'll need Windows 7 installation DVD or files ready; keep in mind that they should be same language and bitness.

Uninstall program from Programs and Features. If you're using portable install, just switch shell to Windows 8 and delete folder

This program does not modify system files and system protected registry entries.
You can switch back to unaltered Windows 8 UI any time.
Windows 7 shell is enabled only to users which switched to it.
Other users can use Windows 8 shell without any problems.

윈도7의 탐색기를 윈도8/2012에서 사용할수 있게해주는 패치입니다. 윈도7 설치디스크가 필요합니다.


서버2012에 적용해보았습니다.


003.JPG 004.JPG 


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