자 료 실

유틸리티 SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator 8.0

2012.03.21 15:32

Win iso 조회:4904 추천:2


                         SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator 8.0 FULL 2.7 MB

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator 8.0 - The program calculates, optimize and safely change a recursive process, a number of network parameters associated with the known values of optimization until it finds the best settings for your particular case.

The program prevents data fragmentation and increases the capacity of almost any compound that results in a more productive online activity: web surfing, access to web pages and e-mail, faster file downloads and online games, improving the quality of connection, Skype, etc. It is like automatic and manual settings for experts. For skeptics of the program enabled measuring the velocity before and after optimization - SpeedConnect Connection Tester, in order to clearly satisfied results as correct and not correct your connection settings.

Optimizes all internet connection types
User friendly
Quick Optimizer option
Advanced Customization
Tool and Wizards
Load / Save Settings
Optimization Report
Connection Analyzer


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