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소프트웨어 sscvf.sys 에러 발생

2011.07.06 12:55

죠타로 조회:6957

supercache, ramdisk 등을 사용하였을 때 오류가 발생할 경우에 뜨는 블루스크린이다.

제작사 수퍼스피드사에서는 다음과 같은 해결책을 제시한다.

Q: I installed SuperCache 3 (or SuperVolume) and now my system fails to start. How do I fix it?
A: Certain disk management software, including some backup software, may be incompatible with SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume. When installed simultaneously, the system may hang or crash during startup. The quickest route to making the system bootable is to disable the SuperCache 3/SuperVolume "SscVf.sys" driver.

There are several possible routes to disabling the "SscVf.sys" driver. However, depending on the point of conflict, some may not be available. We suggest trying the following, in order:
? Boot into "Safe Mode", and uninstall the disk management software, or SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume,
? Boot using "Last Known Good Configuration", and uninstall SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume,
? Boot into "Recovery Console", and edit the system hive.
If the "broken" computer gets to the logon screen and then crashes or hangs, skip to "Boot into 'Recovery Console'".

Boot into "Safe Mode"

  1. Start the computer.
  2. If there is an extended POST and BIOS period, wait until it nears its end.
  3. Press F8 (for Windows startup options) once per second.
  4. Select "Safe Mode".
  5. If the computer does not startup successfully, try "Boot using 'Last Known Good Configuration'".
  6. Uninstall the incompatible disk management or backup software, or uninstall SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume.
  7. Restart the computer.
Boot using "Last Known Good Configuration"

  1. Start the computer.
  2. If there is an extended POST and BIOS period, wait until it nears its end.
  3. Press F8 (for Windows startup options) once per second.
  4. Select "Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)".
  5. If the computer does not startup successfully, try "Boot into 'Recovery Console'".
  6. Uninstall SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume.
  7. Restart the computer.
Boot into "Recovery Console"

This solution requires:
? A second working computer,
? A removable media device capable of holding several megabytes of data which can be used with the working and the broken computer. Recovery Console recognizes USB flash drives; they are an ideal storage device for this solution.

Warning: this solution requires manual modification of the system registry hive.
  1. Insert the USB drive in the broken computer.
  2. Boot the broken computer into Recovery Console. Typically this is done by booting with the installation CD.
  3. Cd to "%SystemRoot%\system32\config".
  4. Copy the file "system." to "system-backup.". This will be the backup copy of the system hive.
  5. Copy the file "system." to the USB drive.
  6. Shutdown the broken computer and remove the USB drive.
  7. Insert the USB drive in the working computer.
  8. Open "RegEdit", and click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  9. Select "File\Load Hive..." from the menu. Open the "system." file on the USB drive, and give the hive key a unique name (eg. "special").
  10. Edit each Control Set present in the "special" hive key:
    1. Select a "ControlSetXxx" key and navigate to "ControlSetXxx\Services\SscVf"
    2. Double-click on the "Start" REG_DWORD value.
    3. Change the value to "4".
    4. In the same "ControlSetXxx" key navigate to "ControlSetXxx\Control\Class\{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}"
    5. Double-click on the "UpperFilters" REG_MULTI_SZ value.
    6. Carefully delete the "SscVf" text from the list. Do not leave any blank entries except at the end.
    7. Repeat steps a - f for all ControlSetXxx keys.
  11. Click on the "special" hive key. Select "File\Unload Hive..." from the menu.
  12. Remove the USB drive from the working computer and insert it in the broken computer.
  13. Boot the broken computer into Recovery Console.
  14. Copy the "system." file from the USB drive to the "%SystemRoot%\system32\config" folder, overwriting the original file.
  15. Restart the broken machine.
Important: Always install the latest version of SuperCache 3 or SuperVolume. Versions prior to contained a bug which caused some computers to hang or restart during system startup. The bug affected computers with the following processor hardware configurations:
? More than one AMD Opteron processor
? More than two Intel Xeon processors with Hyperthreading
? More than four Intel Xeon processors without Hyperthreading
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