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오늘온 마이크로소프트 메일;;

2009.07.28 09:36

이훈 조회:2076

Announcing: Windows 7 Release To Manufacturing

It's almost here! We're very happy to tell you that we've hit the last big milestone on the way to Windows 7: release to manufacturing. We're packaging up copies and manufacturers are putting it on new PCs. On October 22, you'll be able to get the final shipping product. Your feedback has helped us make Windows 7 more reliable, compatible, and manageable-and we'd like to thank you for that.

With general availability rapidly approaching, make sure you don't miss special offers and other launch-related news like details about community launch events in your area. A great way to keep up with what's going on is to sign up for one of our free newsletters. Not only will you get the scoop on the Windows 7 launch, you'll get useful information throughout the year.

- Want technical guidance and resources? Sign up to be a Springboard Series Insider.
- Developer? Get MSDN Flash.  
- If you're interested in general Windows topics, Exploring Windows is the best choice.

Meanwhile, if you need to test Windows 7 in your environment-and ensure that your applications and hardware are ready-you can still download the Release Candidate (RC) anytime before August 20, 2009. Got the RC and need help? Experts on the Windows 7 Forums can help answer your questions. The forums also give you a way to share what you've learned with other people.

Essential resources
- Windows 7 Release Candidate - Download | Installation Instructions | FAQ.  

Technical Help and Resources
- Get expert advice on application compatibility plus the latest tools and resources.
- Walk through new and updated features in Windows 7 for IT professionals.
- Learn more about the people behind the design and engineering of Windows 7 at TalkingAboutWindows.com.  

For the latest news on Windows 7, check out the Windows Team Blog and Springboard Series Blog. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Thanks again for your investment in Windows 7.

The Springboard Series Team


Quick Links

• Download Windows 7 Release Candidate  
• Installation Instructions  
• FAQ  
• Sign Up to Be a Springboard Series Insider  

Join the Conversation

• Windows 7 Forums  
• Springboard Series Blog  
• Talking About Windows  

Get Guidance and Resources

• For IT Professionals  
• For Large Enterprises  
• For Small and Midsize Businesses  
• For Partners  

You are receiving this important message about Windows 7 because you downloaded the Beta or RC from either TechNet, MSDN or the Windows web site.

Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington, USA

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