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Microsoft reportedly delays release of RTM version of "Windows 7&q...

2009.07.26 22:45

모자이크 조회:2555

Microsoft reportedly delays release of RTM version of "Windows 7"

Monica Chen, Taipei; Steve Shen, DigiTimes.com [Sunday 26 July 2009]

Microsoft will delay the release of the RTM (release to manufacturing) version, or build number 16385, of its Windows 7 operating system (OS) to the second week of November from the originally scheduled fourth week of October, according to sources at Taiwan PC makers who were informed by the software giant of the revised schedule.

The RTM build 16385 was originally set to be released this week after reducing the number of bugs found in the Windows 7 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) version from 1,450 to around 500, the sources noted.
However, additional bugs were found in the RTM build 16385 version, and together the bugs could paralyze an upgraded 7-capable
Windows XP/Vista OS, said the sources.
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