자유 게시판
IE9 RTM Final build already out
2011.03.14 09:07
Microsoft has announced the official version of IE9 RTM to be released on March 14, And the download for public will be available on same day. Sources says that IE9 RTM Final has build string 9.00.8112.16421.110308-0330 and it is leaked.
According to a Russian Web site which broke the news, IE9 RTM version was built on March 8, full version number for the Build 9.00.8112.16421.110308-0330, the site also provides a IE9 RTM
댓글 [3]
쿨한몸매 2011.03.14 10:56
페블 2011.03.14 11:13 영문판 받을려니 힘드네요
오마르 2011.03.14 12:19 영문판 벌써 나왔나요??
오늘 나온다는 소식은 들었는데..설마 지금!!!??ㅎㅎ