자유 게시판

2종 지역화 프로그램 업데이트 소식

2023.12.17 20:49

방탄소년단 조회:823 추천:3


Alchemy CATALYST 2023 Release Notes

BUILD 150167


  • VIEW ribbon > Windows - New Other Windows dropdown menu added to access Catalyst's windows.

Crash Report Investigations:

  • Sometimes when closing TTK files Catalyst could experience a crash - resolved.




홈페이지 : Localization Tools | Software Translation | Alchemy Software Development




Passolo 2022 SR1 Update (Build, Published on 7th of November 2023)

What's new in Passolo

Added support for fully visualizing Winforms-based dialog boxes and other controls in Microsoft .NET 6 and later
We're continuing to improve functionality for Microsoft .NET 6 and later by adding full support for visualizing Winforms-based dialog boxes to Passolo. You can now fully visualize such user interface controls in both the classic Microsoft .NET versions (4.8 and earlier) as well as the significantly changed more recent .NET versions (6 and later).

Other enhancements
We've added the PslTransString.SetTranslation and PslTransString.OriginType COM methods which allow you to set translations for single entries. You can read more about them in the Passolo Automation section of the online help.

Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue with the Create Access Key function not selecting unique keys, and instead creating duplicates.
Fixed an issue that resulted in a Failed to resolve assembly error when simulating translations.
Fixed an issue with the Term Recognition window not showing data as expected.
Fixed an issue that prevented Passolo from importing files in certain situations.



홈페이지 :Passolo 홈페이지 바로 가기


다운로드 : https://update.sdl.com/updates/update1/passolo22/live/Passolo2022_183.exe







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