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소프트웨어 Toggle Defender.bat

2022.12.22 09:28

즐거운컴 조회:514

간만에 디펜더 검사를 했는데

Toggle Defender.bat 검출됩니다.


평소에는 디펜더 꺼놓고 사용합니다.

마우스 우클릭으로 디펜더 온오프 합니다.

혹시 이파일이 디펜더 온오프 하는 파일일까요?

아니면 지워야하는 파일일까요?


날씨가 많이 춥네요.  건강 잘챙기시고 연말연시 잘 보내시길 바랍니다~^^










@(echo off% <#%) &title Toggle Defender, AveYo 2021-08-03

set "0=%~f0"&set 1=%*&powershell -nop -win 1 -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) &exit/b ||#>)[1]

## Changelog: also toggle store, chredge smartscreen + pua; prevent ui lockdown (2); unblock exe in chredge 

sp 'HKCU:\Volatile Environment' 'ToggleDefender' @'

if ($(sc.exe qc windefend) -like '*TOGGLE*') {$TOGGLE=7;$KEEP=6;$A='Enable';$S='OFF'}else{$TOGGLE=6;$KEEP=7;$A='Disable';$S='ON'}


## Comment to hide dialog prompt with Yes, No, Cancel (6,7,2)

if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) {

  $choice=(new-object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup($A + ' Windows Defender?', 0, 'Defender is: ' + $S, 51)

  if ($choice -eq 2) {break} elseif ($choice -eq 6) {$env:1=$TOGGLE} else {$env:1=$KEEP}



## Without the dialog prompt above will toggle automatically

if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) { $env:1=$TOGGLE }


## Comment to not relaunch systray icon

$L="$env:ProgramFiles\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe"; if (!(test-path $L)) {$L='SecurityHealthSystray'} ; start $L -win 1


## Comment to not hide per-user toggle notifications


ni $notif -ea 0|out-null; ri $notif.replace('Settings','Current') -Recurse -Force -ea 0

sp $notif Enabled 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0; if ($TOGGLE -eq 7) {rp $notif Enabled -Force -ea 0}


## Cascade elevation

$u=0;$w=whoami /groups;if($w-like'*1-5-32-544*'){$u=1};if($w-like'*1-16-12288*'){$u=2};if($w-like'*1-16-16384*'){$u=3}


## Reload from volatile registry as needed

$script='-nop -win 1 -c & {$AveYo='+"'`r`r"+' A LIMITED ACCOUNT PROTECTS YOU FROM UAC EXPLOITS '+"`r`r'"+';$env:1='+$env:1

$script+=';$k=@();$k+=gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile* ToggleDefender -ea 0;iex($k[0].ToggleDefender)}' 

$cmd='powershell '+$script; $env:__COMPAT_LAYER='Installer' 


## 0: limited-user: must runas / 1: admin-user non-elevated: must runas [built-in lame uac bpass removed] 

if ($u -lt 2) {

  start powershell -args $script -verb runas -win 1; break



## 2: admin-user elevated: get ti/system via runasti lean and mean snippet [$window hide:0x0E080600 show:0x0E080610]

if ($u -eq 2) {


  1179913,[ValueType])} ;4,5|%{$D+=$D[$_]."MakeB`yRefType"()} ;$I=[Int32];$J="Int`Ptr";$P=$I.module.GetType("System.$J"); $F=@(0)


  $S=[String]; $9=$D[0]."DefinePInvokeMeth`od"('CreateProcess',"kernel`32",8214,1,$I,@($S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$S,$D[6],$D[7]),1,4)


  nv ('T'+$_)([Activator]::CreateInstance($T[$_]))}; $H=$I.module.GetType("System.Runtime.Interop`Services.Mar`shal");

  $WP=$H."GetMeth`od"("Write$J",[type[]]($J,$J)); $HG=$H."GetMeth`od"("AllocHG`lobal",[type[]]'int32'); $v=$HG.invoke($null,$Z)

  'TrustedInstaller','lsass'|%{if(!$pn){net1 start $_ 2>&1 >$null;$pn=[Diagnostics.Process]::GetProcessesByName($_)[0];}}

  $WP.invoke($null,@($v,$pn.Handle)); $SZ=$H."GetMeth`od"("SizeOf",[type[]]'type'); $T1.f1=131072; $T1.f2=$Z; $T1.f3=$v; $T2.f1=1


  $H."GetMeth`od"("StructureTo`Ptr",[type[]]($D[2],$J,'boolean')).invoke($null,@(($T2-as $D[2]),$T4.f2,$false));$window=0x0E080600

  $9=$T[0]."GetMeth`od"('CreateProcess').Invoke($null,@($null,$cmd,0,0,0,$window,0,$null,($T4-as $D[4]),($T5-as $D[5]))); break



## Cleanup

rp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile* ToggleDefender -ea 0


## Create registry paths

$wdp='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender'

' Security Center\Notifications','\UX Configuration','\MpEngine','\Spynet','\Real-Time Protection' |% {ni ($wdp+$_)-ea 0|out-null}


## Toggle Defender

if ($env:1 -eq 7) {

  ## enable notifications

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications' DisableNotifications -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' Notification_Suppress -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' UILockdown -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications' DisableNotifications -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' Notification_Suppress -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' UILockdown -Force -ea 0

  ## enable shell smartscreen and set to warn

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' EnableSmartScreen -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' ShellSmartScreenLevel 'Warn' -Force -ea 0

  ## enable store smartscreen and set to warn

  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath 'EnableWebContentEvaluation' 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

    sp $_.PSPath 'PreventOverride' 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  ## enable chredge smartscreen + pua

  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath '(Default)' 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenPuaEnabled -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath '(Default)' 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  ## enable legacy edge smartscreen

  ri 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\PhishingFilter' -Force -ea 0

  ## enable av

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection' DisableRealtimeMonitoring -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender' DisableAntiSpyware -Force -ea 0

  rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' DisableAntiSpyware -Force -ea 0

  sc.exe config windefend depend= RpcSs

  net1 start windefend

  kill -Force -Name MpCmdRun -ea 0

  start ($env:ProgramFiles+'\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe') -Arg '-EnableService' -win 1

} else {

  ## disable notifications

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications' DisableNotifications 1 -Type Dword -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' Notification_Suppress 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' UILockdown 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications' DisableNotifications 1 -Type Dword -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' Notification_Suppress 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration' UILockdown 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  ## disable shell smartscreen and set to warn

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' EnableSmartScreen 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' ShellSmartScreenLevel 'Warn' -Force -ea 0

  ## disable store smartscreen and set to warn

  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath 'EnableWebContentEvaluation' 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

    sp $_.PSPath 'PreventOverride' 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  ## disable chredge smartscreen + pua

  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath '(Default)' 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\SmartScreenPuaEnabled -ea 0 |% {

    sp $_.PSPath '(Default)' 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0


  ## disable legacy edge smartscreen

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\PhishingFilter' EnabledV9 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  ## disable av

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection' DisableRealtimeMonitoring 1 -Type Dword -Force

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender' DisableAntiSpyware 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' DisableAntiSpyware 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0

  net1 stop windefend

  sc.exe config windefend depend= RpcSs-TOGGLE

  kill -Name MpCmdRun -Force -ea 0

  start ($env:ProgramFiles+'\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe') -Arg '-DisableService' -win 1

  del ($env:ProgramData+'\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scans\mpenginedb.db') -Force -ea 0           ## Commented = keep scan history

  del ($env:ProgramData+'\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scans\History\Service') -Recurse -Force -ea 0




#sp $wdp DisableRoutinelyTakingAction 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0                        ## Auto Actions off

rp $wdp DisableRoutinelyTakingAction -Force -ea 0                                       ## Auto Actions ON [default]


sp ($wdp+'\MpEngine') MpCloudBlockLevel 2 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0                      ## Cloud blocking level HIGH

#rp ($wdp+'\MpEngine') MpCloudBlockLevel -Force -ea 0                                   ## Cloud blocking level low [default]


sp ($wdp+'\Spynet') SpyNetReporting 2 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0                          ## Cloud protection ADVANCED

#rp ($wdp+'\Spynet') SpyNetReporting -Force -ea 0                                       ## Cloud protection basic [default]


sp ($wdp+'\Spynet') SubmitSamplesConsent 0 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0                     ## Sample Submission ALWAYS-PROMPT

#rp ($wdp+'\Spynet') SubmitSamplesConsent -Force -ea 0                                  ## Sample Submission automatic [default]


#sp ($wdp+'\Real-Time Protection') RealtimeScanDirection 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0     ## Scan incoming file only

rp ($wdp+'\Real-Time Protection') RealtimeScanDirection -Force -ea 0                    ## Scan INCOMING + OUTGOING file [default]


#sp $wdp PUAProtection 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0                                       ## Potential Unwanted Apps on  [policy]

rp $wdp PUAProtection -Force -ea 0                                                      ## Potential Unwanted Apps off [default]

sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' PUAProtection 1 -Type Dword -Force -ea 0 ## Potential Unwanted Apps ON  [user]

#rp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender' PUAProtection -Force -ea 0              ## Potential Unwanted Apps off [default]


## even with "smartscreen" off you still need to unblock exe to download Firefox (sic) & other programs [F][F][S] microsoft!


ni $LameEdgeExtBlockWithSmartScreenOff -Force -ea 0|out-null ## add other extensions following the example below (increment 1)

sp $LameEdgeExtBlockWithSmartScreenOff '1' '{"file_extension": "exe", "domains": ["*"]}' -Force -ea 0  


# done!

'@ -Force -ea 0; $k=@();$k+=gp Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile* ToggleDefender -ea 0;iex($k[0].ToggleDefender)

#-_-# hybrid script, can be pasted directly into powershell console

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