질문과 답변

소프트웨어 yentoy 제거가 안됩니다. 해결방법 아시는분?

2022.07.04 21:43

뭐필요하우 조회:524

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.051] 


######################### Ventoy2DiskX86 (1.0.67) #########################


[2022/07/04 21:11:29.052] Current directory:<D>

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.061] id=17168/6476

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.063] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe>

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.069] PSize:<5126776 5006KB>

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.073] Lunch main process 0

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.078] Control Flag: 0 1 1

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.082] Windows Version: <<Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit (Build 19044.1806)>>

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.085] 

===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.090] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.094] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0  Size:4 Value:4

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.098] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 4

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.103] Logical Drives: 0xfc

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.107] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:256056925696

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.113] C --> 0

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.120] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Offset:2097152 ExtentLength:483183820800

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.125] D --> 1

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.131] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:483185917952 ExtentLength:517017174016

[2022/07/04 21:11:29.137] E --> 1

[2022/07/04 21:11:33.101] LogicalDrive:\\.\F: PhyDrive:2 Offset:0 ExtentLength:0

[2022/07/04 21:11:33.101] F --> 2

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.020] 


######################### Ventoy2DiskX86 (1.0.67) #########################


[2022/07/04 21:13:28.020] Current directory:<D>

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.031] id=15392/6476

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.031] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe>

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.037] PSize:<5126776 5006KB>

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.041] Lunch main process 0

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.047] Control Flag: 0 1 1

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.052] Windows Version: <<Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit (Build 19044.1806)>>

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.056] 

===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.057] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.062] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0  Size:4 Value:4

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.068] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 4

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.073] Logical Drives: 0xfc

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.077] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:256056925696

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.082] C --> 0

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.086] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Offset:2097152 ExtentLength:483183820800

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.091] D --> 1

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.096] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:483185917952 ExtentLength:517017174016

[2022/07/04 21:13:28.101] E --> 1

[2022/07/04 21:13:30.787] LogicalDrive:\\.\F: PhyDrive:2 Offset:0 ExtentLength:0

[2022/07/04 21:13:30.787] F --> 2

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.105] LogicalDrive:\\.\G: PhyDrive:3 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:128814415872

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.105] G --> 3

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.114] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed \\.\H:, error:21

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.114] H --> -1

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.119] Create file Handle:FFFFFFFF \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:32

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.127] Create file Handle:00000228 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:21.128] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 1000204886016 bytes

[2022/07/04 21:14:22.508] Create file Handle:00000230 \\.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:23.178] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO failed error:21

[2022/07/04 21:14:23.848] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO failed error:21

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.407] Create file Handle:0000022C \\.\PhysicalDrive3 status:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.407] Create file Handle:00000248 \\.\PhysicalDrive3 status:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.414] PHYSICALDRIVE3 size 128849018880 bytes

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.420] PhyDrv:1 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:1024GB(1000204886016) Name: WDC WD10EZEX-22MFCA0

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.425] PhyDrv:3 BusType:USB  Removable:1 Size:120GB(128849018880) Name:USB Flash Disk

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.431] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:256056925696

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.436] Logical Drive:C  ===> PhyDrive:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.442] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Offset:2097152 ExtentLength:483183820800

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.448] Logical Drive:D  ===> PhyDrive:1

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.453] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:483185917952 ExtentLength:517017174016

[2022/07/04 21:14:41.458] Logical Drive:E  ===> PhyDrive:1

[2022/07/04 21:14:44.612] LogicalDrive:\\.\F: PhyDrive:2 Offset:0 ExtentLength:0

[2022/07/04 21:14:44.613] Logical Drive:F  ===> PhyDrive:2

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.941] LogicalDrive:\\.\G: PhyDrive:3 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:128814415872

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.944] Logical Drive:G  ===> PhyDrive:3

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.954] =========== Disk3 MBR Partition 2 ============

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.959] PartTbl.Active = 0x0

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.965] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0xef

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.970] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 251592704

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.976] PartTbl.SectorCount = 65536

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.981] PartTbl.StartHead = 234

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.986] PartTbl.StartSector = 63

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.991] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 300

[2022/07/04 21:17:49.996] PartTbl.EndHead = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.001] PartTbl.EndSector = 15

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.006] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 305

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.011] =========== Disk3 MBR Partition 3 ============

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.016] PartTbl.Active = 0x0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.022] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.027] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.032] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.037] PartTbl.StartHead = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.042] PartTbl.StartSector = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.047] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.052] PartTbl.EndHead = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.057] PartTbl.EndSector = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.061] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.066] =========== Disk3 MBR Partition 4 ============

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.071] PartTbl.Active = 0x0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.075] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.080] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.084] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.089] PartTbl.StartHead = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.093] PartTbl.StartSector = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.098] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.103] PartTbl.EndHead = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.107] PartTbl.EndSector = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.111] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.116] PhysicalDrive3 is ventoy disk

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.121] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.126] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive3 code:0 00000228

[2022/07/04 21:17:50.130] Parse FAT fs...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.296] attach media success...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.551] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.552] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 3 is <1.0.52>...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.570] PhyDrive 3 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.52 SecureBoot:0

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.570] < WDC WD10EZEX-22MFCA0> is filtered for not USB type.

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.581] PhyDrive 3 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.52 SecureBoot:0

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.582] < WDC WD10EZEX-22MFCA0> is filtered for not USB type.

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.628] Load languages from json file ...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.629] language json file len:201756 json parse:0

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.636] Total 45 languages ...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.642] Load languages from json file ...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.648] language json file len:201756 json parse:0

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.655] Total 45 languages ...

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.709] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 0 0

[2022/07/04 21:18:10.710] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 0 0

[2022/07/04 21:18:58.183] ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive PhyDrive3 <<USB Flash Disk 120GB>>

[2022/07/04 21:18:58.185] Lock disk for clean ............................. 

[2022/07/04 21:18:58.189] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:19:13.333] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive3 code:0 00000394

[2022/07/04 21:19:13.334] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success

[2022/07/04 21:19:13.339] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:256056925696

[2022/07/04 21:19:13.343] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Offset:2097152 ExtentLength:483183820800

[2022/07/04 21:19:13.348] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:483185917952 ExtentLength:517017174016

[2022/07/04 21:19:16.605] LogicalDrive:\\.\F: PhyDrive:2 Offset:0 ExtentLength:0

[2022/07/04 21:21:18.810] LogicalDrive:\\.\G: PhyDrive:3 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:128814415872

[2022/07/04 21:21:18.811] G: is belong to phydrive3

[2022/07/04 21:21:18.820] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed \\.\H:, error:21

[2022/07/04 21:21:18.823] Delete mountpoint G:\ ret:1 code:0

[2022/07/04 21:21:18.830] Will use 'G:' as volume mountpoint

[2022/07/04 21:33:46.162] VDS init OK, service 00927564

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.241] Callback 1 process for disk <\\?\PhysicalDrive3>

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.242] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive3':

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.248] No partition to delete on disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive3'

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.252] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 3 ret:1 (SUCCESS)

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.257] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.264] Lock disk for write ............................. 

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.268] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.276] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive3 code:0 00000448

[2022/07/04 21:33:49.278] Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive3 for exclusive write access

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.247] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.248] Write fisrt 1MB ret:0 size:0 err:433

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.255] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 3

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.259] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.307] handles->NumberOfHandles = 77610

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.307] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:33:51.313] This time clear failed, now wait and retry...

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.330] Now retry to clear...

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.330] ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive PhyDrive3 <<USB Flash Disk 120GB>>

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.336] Lock disk for clean ............................. 

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.341] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.350] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive3 code:0 00000434

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.356] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.359] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:256056925696

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.365] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:1 Offset:2097152 ExtentLength:483183820800

[2022/07/04 21:34:01.370] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:1 Offset:483185917952 ExtentLength:517017174016

[2022/07/04 21:34:04.978] LogicalDrive:\\.\F: PhyDrive:2 Offset:0 ExtentLength:0

[2022/07/04 21:34:04.980] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed \\.\H:, error:21

[2022/07/04 21:34:04.983] No drive letter was assigned...

[2022/07/04 21:34:04.988] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter G: ...

[2022/07/04 21:34:04.995] Will use 'G:' as volume mountpoint

[2022/07/04 21:34:05.035] VDS init OK, service 008B8594

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.663] Callback 1 process for disk <\\?\PhysicalDrive3>

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.663] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive3':

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.669] No partition to delete on disk '\\?\PhysicalDrive3'

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.675] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 3 ret:1 (SUCCESS)

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.680] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.687] Lock disk for write ............................. 

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.691] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.699] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive3 code:0 00000440

[2022/07/04 21:34:07.701] Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive3 for exclusive write access

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.668] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.668] Write fisrt 1MB ret:0 size:0 err:433

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.674] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 3

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.678] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.721] handles->NumberOfHandles = 77809

[2022/07/04 21:34:09.721] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk3\DR13

[2022/07/04 21:34:55.013] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 0 0

이렇게 나와요
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