유틸리티 FastCopy ver4.0.0
2022.01.23 23:44
2022년 1월 23일자 FastCopy ver4.0.0
다운로드; https://fastcopy.jp/archive/FastCopy4.0.0_installer.exe
버전 히스토리
Version 4.0.0
* Added FcHash.exe (xxHash3/SHA-based fast hash calculation command line)
* Added fcp.exe (command line version of FastCopy)
* OpenSSL is incorporated, and CPU usage when SHA-256 is used is reduced to 1/3 (& faster).
* Added option to record src hash value without verifying.
* Added option to always use LowI/O.
* Added SHA-512 mode to verify.
* Added "Delete before copying" option in synchronous mode. (It will be a little slower if there are many files.)
* Improved HDD I/O speed
* Improved xxHash speed
* Fixed a problem that when DestDir is NAS, the update date is set to current when Verify Information is enabled.
* Fixed a problem where the value of XXH3 at size 0 was the value of the xxh3 beta version. (Incorrect: 0x07fd4e968e916ae11f17545bce1061f1, Correct: 0x99aa06d3014798d86001c324468d497f)
* Fixed a rare problem that the filter does not work correctly when using multiple directories in Source and absolute path filter.
* Other bug fixes.