소프트웨어 NSudo 9.0 Preview 1 좋은 툴입니다.
2021.12.28 19:40
출처 - Release NSudo 9.0 Preview 1 (9.0.2676.0) · M2Team/NSudo · GitHub
## MoDefragMemory(메모리 정리)
Perform defrag for memory via swapping most contents from the physical memory
to the page file.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoDefragMemory
## MoEnableMicrosoftUpdate(MS제품추가 업데이트)
Enable the "Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update
Windows" option in Windows Update.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoEnableMicrosoftUpdate
## MoManageCompactOS(OS압축)
Manage the CompactOS feature.
- `/Query` Query the CompactOS state.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoManageCompactOS /Query
- `/Enable` Enable CompactOS.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoManageCompactOS /Enable
- `/Disable` Disable CompactOS.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoManageCompactOS /Disable
## MoPurgeChromiumCache(크롬-엣지 캐시 청소)
Purge the web cache in the Chromium-based applications, including Chrome,
Chromium-based Edge, Electron-based applications, etc.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeChromiumCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeChromiumCache /Purge
## MoPurgeCorruptedAppXPackages(패키지 청소)
Purge the corrupted AppX packages.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeCorruptedAppXPackages /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeCorruptedAppXPackages /Purge
## MoPurgeDeliveryOptimizationCache(전송최적화 캐시 정리)
Purge the cache in the Delivery Optimization.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeDeliveryOptimizationCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeDeliveryOptimizationCache /Purge
## MoPurgeGeckoCache(파폭,워터폭 계열캐시청소)
Purge the web cache in the Gecko-based applications, including Firefox,
Waterfox, Pale Moon, etc.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeGeckoCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeGeckoCache /Purge
## MoPurgeNuGetCache
Purge the cache in the NuGet safely.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeNuGetCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeNuGetCache /Purge
## MoPurgePackageCache
Purge the cache in the Package Cache folder safely.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgePackageCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgePackageCache /Purge
## MoPurgeSystemRestorePoint
Purge the system restore points.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeSystemRestorePoint /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeSystemRestorePoint /Purge
## MoPurgeTridentCache
Purge the web cache in the Trident based applications, including Internet
Explorer, Legacy Edge, MSHTML based applications, Edge WebView based
applications, etc.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeTridentCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeTridentCache /Purge
## MoPurgeVisualStudioCodeCache
Purge the cache in the Visual Studio Code.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeVisualStudioCodeCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeVisualStudioCodeCache /Purge
## MoPurgeVisualStudioInstallerCache
Purge the cache in the Visual Studio Installer safely.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeVisualStudioInstallerCache /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeVisualStudioInstallerCache /Purge
## MoPurgeWindowsEventLog(이벤트로그 청소)
Purge the Windows Event Log.
- `/Scan` Scan this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeWindowsEventLog /Scan
- `/Purge` Purge this item.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoPurgeWindowsEventLog /Purge
## MoUpdateAppXPackages(한방에 스토어 앱 업데이트)
Update the apps from Microsoft Store.
- No arguments.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoUpdateAppXPackages
- `/Loop` Loop the operation until no packages need to upgrade.
> NSudoPluginHost MoPlugin.dll MoUpdateAppXPackages /Loop
댓글 [17]
꼬져 2021.12.28 20:22 -
내꼬 2021.12.28 20:49 감사합니다.
한글화 필요 하실분 많을것으로 보입니다.
집앞의_큰나무 2021.12.29 07:32
한글화 까정,
무지 무지 감사 합니다.
슈머슈마 2021.12.28 20:33
관리자 권한으로 실행할수 있도록 만들어 주는건가요?
꼬져 2021.12.28 21:08 최고 관리자 및 시스템 관리자 권한으로 실행 가능합니다.
슈머슈마 2021.12.28 22:24
ㄷㄷㄷ~ 꼬져님 감사합니다. (한글)
ehdwk 2021.12.28 21:55
수고하셨습니다. -
두리안 2021.12.28 22:05
자주는 안쓰지만, 정보 감사합니다.
호롱불 2021.12.28 22:10
내꼬님~좋은 정보 감사합니다~^^
아울러 한글화에 수고하신 꼬져님도 감사해요^^
cungice 2021.12.28 22:28
수고 많으셨습니다. 감사합니다.
와로 2021.12.29 00:04
정보 감사합니다!
간단하게 복원지점도 제거할수 있고 최적화용도로 딱인 툴이네요!
업데이트 체크용으로 바로 북마크 했습니다 ^^
상발이 2021.12.29 07:03
bypers 2021.12.29 08:06
집앞의_큰나무 2021.12.29 11:03
감사 합니다.
짚신 2021.12.29 11:18
사용법은 잘 모르지만 열어보니 차 후에 도움 될꺼 같네요.,
정말 고맙습니다.
광풍제월 2021.12.29 20:08
밤생이 2021.12.29 20:16
개인적으로 자주 사용합니다. 정보 감사합니다.