최신 정보

Dangerous Update for "cracked" Vistas.

2008.03.02 22:24

gooddew 조회:7817

간단히 해석하면 M$에 의하면

2월 26일 이후 KB940510 업데이트후에 크랙으로 인증받은 비스타는 정상가동이 안된다는 내용이네요

KB940510 업데이트 한분 어떠신가요??



Beware guys, Microsoft has released KB940510, in which when installed, it will "enable Windows Vista to detect software that bypasses product activation and interferes with normal Windows operations" .

Here is the information:

Update for Windows Vista (KB940510)

Released on:-26 Feb 2008

Download size: 3.0 MB

You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.

Update type: Important

If you install this update and you have a cracked vista, it will detect the software that bypasses product activation and interferes with normal Windows operation.

More information:

Help and Support:

More detailed information: https://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17162

What i really think is that,this update doesn't turn out to be a main update but a software which disables a pirated vista and once you install it,your pirated vista will be disabled in one way or the other and wil not operate normal,so watch out.
To make the whole story short,KB940510 is not an update, it's a program which interferes with pirated vista.

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