자유 게시판

WZOR 글임.

2011.01.17 13:38

진모씨 조회:2624

아직 안됨: 7601.17514.101119-1850 CELESTIAL GOLD RTM! 

우리 "창조적인"  

2011년 첫 메세지에서, "성과 세계" (Urbi et Orbi)라는 닉네임인(?) 저는 썼습니다: 폭발적인 1월 14일 금요일 스티브 발머가 "사탕"을 던진다고요, 하지만 저희 (WZT) 는 스티브를 자극하지 않고 좀 더 올바른 제목으로 고정할 것입니다
하지만 본론은 ... 
"전 새해" 배포 후, Windows 7/Server 2008 R2의 서비스 팩이 나왔고, 그에 대해서는 두가지의 질문이 있었습니다. 
주 의문점은 언제 SP1이 마지막 릴리즈가 되냐는 것이었고, 왜 배포판 후 긴 시간동안 배포판에서 더 빌드가 되어 배포가 되지 않느냐는 것이었습니다. 
이 질문 및 다른 질문에 대해 중요한 소식 등을 포함하여 확실하지 않은 정도의 작문을 하겠습니다. 

2010년 5월 11일 우리는 SP1 Beta 1 Escrow (7601.16556.100421-1510) 유출에 대해 고심했고, 우리는 베타 버전, RC 버전 그리고 10월 말에서 11월 초에 발표될 RTM SP1에 대한 Microsoft의 수정된 Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 서비스 팩 1 계획을 발표했습니다. "- 이게 사건의 전말이고, 최종 서비스 팩 1 RTM 빌드가 2010년 11월 19일에 빌드되었습니다: 7601.17514.101119-1850. 

지속됨: 하지만 우리는 Microsoft에서 IE9와 함께 SP1을 릴리즈 날짜를 앞당겼다는 것과 함께 IE9는 독립된 제품이며 서비스 팩 1에는 포함되지 않을 것이나 릴리즈할 때가 밀접하게 관련될 것이라는 서비스 팩 1의 약관을 보지 못했습니다스티브 발머는 사용자들이 그 두 제품을 동시에 사용하기를 원했습니다. 
만약 서비스 팩 1의 진행이 완료되고, 마이크로소프트가 공개한다면, IE9가 진행될 것이며, 그러므로 아직 사용자들은 IE9의 RC 버전을 사용하지 못할 것입니다. 
IE9 의 RC Escrow의 배포에 따라 우리는 그것을 수집했고 현재 사용 가능합니다. 

결론: IE9 RC를 마이크로소프트에서 2011년 2월에 공개하고, 최종 IE9 RTM 은 2011년 3월에 릴리즈 할 것 같습니다! 
At the same time plan to make the final and the first service pack Service Pack 1 for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2. 

Quickly only cats are born!: November 19, 2010 have been collected by Microsoft around 3000 different distributions assembly 7601.17514.101119-1850 it and all possible versions of servers, clients, language packs i.t.d 
This amount of data to be processed and posted on the corporate server either CONNECT, MSDN or the Windows Update, captures the spirit of such abundance ... 
It took about a dozen hard drives to take it all away. 
Someone at this time to celebrate Christmas and someone was working. 
Another 23 December, Christmas Eve, we could not even accurately say that this is the assembly and will be the final RTM build, and it is the build numbers on which stopped working "candle factory," Bill Gates: 
win7 branch: 7601.17125.101210-1930 
win7sp1_rtm branch: 7601.17514.101119-1850 
win7_spdev branch: 7601.17125.101221-1630 
Only on December 27 we received information on how to pass the signing "Sign-Off" RTM-Escrow Build Service Pack 1, and from January 2, 2011 and blogs at Microsoft began to appear that the signing took place: 
"Windows 7 Sp1 is finished. Build 7601.17514.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 is the RTM". 
In one of these messages also reported that the RTM build release. 
Subsequently, this post has been removed by the author and posted on the official explanation of the company: "Microsoft has not released SP1 to OEMs at this time, though we are on track for a Q1 release, as we previously announced. The comments made in this blog entry included some inaccuracies. 

Was the boy: January 14, 2011 early in the morning and we finally received confirmation from its "overseas" friends of the signing of "Sign-Off" assembly completed and that the Service Pack 1 for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 is available to employees of the company to upgrade systems 

And along the road dead with braids standing, and silence: According to sources at Microsoft after the appearance of a freely available service packs tions met the leaders of the projects on the agenda was the question. How to respond to the leak occurred and whether it is possible to accelerate the public release announcing the service pack. 
The result of this "dressing down" will be known to us on Monday night, although our sources at Microsoft reported a paradigm shift in timing for SP1 will not happen, except that the final release of Internet Explorer 9 RTM may become available in late February. 
No peresborok distributions with Service Pack 1 is not planned for this there is no technical reason, all the other reasons do not matter! 
It was said the following: "... one can only hope that this wzor as before to place the original distributions and not a fake ...". 

Suddenly, out of my mother from the bedroom ... The main argument of opponents of the fact that this assembly has Service Pack 1 is final comments are related to the fact that SP1 is still not part of the previously-announced update, which arise by those or other problems during the installation of Service Pack 1. 
For these kinds of arguments can give an eloquent fact. 
Two months after assembly 7601.17514.101119-1850 collected more than sixty (60) new KB-updates, all these updates are already available are not ignorant of his bonuspakami ZUKON'e, thanks ZUKON'e and us these updates are available, but the "first violin" ie to decide what and when computations-vat of course to him. I venture to suggest that these updates just become available to the public. 

Tsygel - tsYgel, ah-any-any later! As we said above, Microsoft has assembled some 3000 distributions, and the order of 150 distributions of the heap with an integrated package of updates may be posted online, it will take some time, work on it goes. 
This includes of course, and Russian versions of servers and systems. 
Those who have followed our past "exploits" that may well provide what distributions will appear here. 

막이 내리고, 빌 게이츠 (Bill Gates) 가 나와서 말합니다: 
"만약 당신이 저를 귀찮게 하는 거라면, 철학자의 명언을 인용하겠습니다: " 둠스데이"그것들은 작은 것일 뿐이니, 인내심을 기르다 보면, 매우 빨리 릴리즈 될 것이다: Microsoft Windows 2012 마야 아포칼립스 에디션이, and walks away ... 
There comes a brief pause .... 
..... Windows 2012 M2 vengeance tested .... 
Hallelujah! ????? 

with regards NeoVinu, 
Uncle-TSYA, Sv.Korova 
and friends vzoryane ... 이제보니까 WZor이 재밌게 써놓은걸 좀 이상하게 번역했나 싶네요.. ㅋㅋ

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